Caregivers Training Organized at Ramgati
East Char Neyamat Community Disaster Management Committee (CDMC) group in Ramgoti upazila in Laxmipur district arranged a training on take care of older and disable persons in the family. 26 volunteer attended in the training. The training organized by CDMC member. They proposed BITA willingly to give the technical support of the training. It is one of the achievement of BITA. We could to motivate the people (CDMC member) to take any step which is better for the community. They are the very interested to arrange the training in which family have older person. The content of the training was the strategy and its practical side to take care of older and person with disable in the family. All of the volunteer assumed the strategy to take care of sick older persons in the family. They learnt about the physical exercise for maintain good health. Participants of the training were very happy to learn the strategy to take care of older and person with disable. BITA is working for older persons for a long time in Laxmipur. By this time BITA worked for older persons on their happy life.

Cyclone preparation Rehearsal arranged
IDR-2 project of BITA have arranged a rehearsal on preparation of cyclone mitigate in the Azad Market area of Ramgati upazila in Laxmipur district. The chief guest of the rehearsal was Md. Nasir Uddin, Union Parisad member of Char Gazi Union. 55 of children, youth and older person directly participated for 45 minutes in the rehearsal. It was a replication of protection practice of cyclone. About 720 male and 340 female watching the rehearsal in the field, they also learnt how to save themselves during cyclone. The event of the rehearsal were the preparedness before cyclone, what will do after cyclone and when will go to the shelter home. Mass people gathered the general knowledge of preparedness during cyclone time. The another attempt of the rehearsal was how all the people jointly face the situation during cyclone. They understood that everybody should help another during the cyclone time. They understood the meanings of signal, what will do in which signal moment. They formed a cyclone preparedness committee contained 50 members. The committee will help everybody during the cyclone.

Disaster Management and Leadership Training
A disaster management training organized on 4-8 August/2019 for the member of 30 area in Char Algi, Barakheri and Char Gazi union Disaster Management Committee. Total 120 members participated in the training whereas 74 mle and 46 female. 4 member from per committee. The subject of the training was leadership development and management skill. The vision of the training were increase the leadership skill thus they can be indicate their activities and analyze it. Increase the skill of group leading. Increase the leadership skill of the members. To increase the skill of meeting direction. The training was organized in the auditorium of Union Parishad. The participants selected by area wised isaster Management Committee. The training inaugurated by Upazila Cooperative Officer. BITA IDR project personnel were present in the training.

Tree Plantation Program by Rupali Colony CDMC
25 fruit based sapling distributed between 25 older person to plantation beside their house by the initiative of Rpali Colony CDMC of IDR project in Laxmipur. Tree plantation was one of the agenda of monthly CDMC meeting of July. In the meeting they planned to plant tree for reduce disaster risk. Group member Jamal Hossain proposed for tree plantation because this is the time of Rainy Season. He proposed to distribute tree plant within the older person from their emergency fund. All the members supported him. Treasurer Md. Humayan said our organization is one of the organization which is work for older person. All of the members participated in the tree plantation.The Rupali Colony CDMC members seemed that when the tree give fruit then the older person can sale it and help their family.
Older member Rokeya Begum said as the organization formed that I got a tree plant. If the inhabitant of the area united it will possible to do anything. The value of the plant is not so high but we are very happy for such an initiative. Jamal Hossain said, we are communicate with Union Parisad for doing something older person and decrease the disaster risk. Gradually we will take more initiative for area development.CharGazi Union member Mdkabir Hossain said Rupali Colony CDMC is doing good job. BITA and Help International created a stage for doing something of older person. Union Parisad will help the group in this task.

Older person Abdur Rab Can Walk Individually Now
Abdur Rab is an older person of char neyamat in char algi union at Laxmipur district. He can not walk individually so he cannot earn. His two son doing service in Chattogram but they do not contact with their parent and no help them. His wife collects food from their neighbors and live from hand to mouth. CDMC gave hand scratch to the Abdur Rab and also gave foods to his family. In 2018 by the initiative of Char Neyamot CDMC the information collected about disable in the char neyamot. It was discussed in the monthly meeting of CDMC. The disable persons who are very helpless and can decrease their dependability to others if they get some material, CDMC applied to BITA to give some materials of them. Requesting of group BITA distributed 5 stick, 1 while chair and 1 hand crutch to the 7 disable persons by the help of Help Age International.Older person Abdur Rab got 1 hand crutch, now he can walk individually, he can gossiping with others, he can go in front of his house, he can go stall. He is very happy to get hand crutch.
When CDMC members went his house they knew that he is hungry from last two days as he4 has no food. CDMC members collected some food in that time and gave its to Abdur Rab’s family. The food were fried rice, sugar, sago, cake, milk and biscuit. Inhabitants of the area and Abdur Rabs family is pleased. They said that they always doing something and observe to Abdur Rab’s family, help him what they can manage when. The acceptation of BITA and Help Age International is very high in the area. The 4 no ward member Sakhawat Hossain Babu said, “I manage older allowance for this family. I give rice several time. In future I will think about Abdur Rab’s family if any opportunity come.”

Awareness program on prevention from Corona Virus
Also distribute IDR Project area 1250 family in Ramgoti Upazila,Char Algi, Barakheri and Char Gazi union level corona Virus prevention materials hand gloves, masks ,soap & leaflet for awareness.

Disaster assistance materials distribution among the older persons
BITA is implementing the IDR project in the Ramgati Upazila of Laxmipur District for older persons. BITA formed Disaster Management Committee in the union level. Area Disaster Management Committee of Char Algi, Barakheri and Char Gazi union distributed 500 Torch Light, 160 umbrella, 100 flask and 30 hot water bag among the 790 older persons on 14-16 March 2020. Union Chairman, member, DMC leaders and elite persons of the are were present in the program.

BITA distributed Musk, hand gloves and health kits in Ramgati
BITA distributed Musk, hand gloves and health kits in Ramgati
BITA distributed the corona prevention materials to the Char Algi, Barakheri, and Char Gazi union inhabitants of Ramgati upazila in Laxmipur district by the help of HelpAge International. BITA distributed 400 musk, 400 handgloves to the 400 volunteer of Disaster Management group. BITA also distributed 3450 pcs soap among the 1725 older families and 95 packages food among the 95 ultra-poor families. There were rice, potato, oil, Lentil (dal), Chickpea (Chola) and sugar in the package.