753 Mehedibag, Chittagong, Bangladesh

27th Issue July-September 2021

27th Issue July-September 2021

The activity of ‘Information Service Provider’ ISP CIAS Project

BITA (Bangladesh Institute of Theater Arts) has been implementing Community Information and Accountability Services Project (CIASP)since 2018 at Rohingya FDMN (Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals) camp as well as the host community in Cox’s Bazar which is funded by C4D ,UNICEF. There are ten Information feedback Center (IFC) around ten camps, these IFC’s are being run by project staff whose designation is Information Service Provider ISP. The basic activity of the IFC are CFQR-Complain, Feedback, quarry and Referral mechanism. The community people of the camp come to visit IFC with different issue specially to know the information about different agencies service in the camp. Besides IFC, this project is also do the work with a religious part. Through this part Community Engagement Facilitator (CEF) are being engaged to make the Rohingya people conscious as like as the other part.
