753 Mehedibag, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Theater empowerment of people

ANNEXURE : 03 Theatre

Area Selection

To identify the suitable place for providing and conducting the activities to the vulnerable people’s through eye survey.


To collect information about the socio-economic and cultural condition through PRA tools (e.g. social map, house hold map, FGD).

Discuss with the Local people

To inform the local influential persons and community people about the programme, introduce and build up initial relationship with them.

Identify the interested participants

To find out the cultural activist and grass root artist for the programme through open discussion, role play and demonstration.

Group Formation

To select the participants to form theatre group from the interested people, grass root artist and cultural activist.


To deliver the idea and knowledge to the selected participants about theatre for development programmers and organizational goal, vision and mission through discussion and visual presentation.

Identify the Issues

To identify the issues for theatre making and dissemination through using PRA tools (e.g. matrix, FGD and ranking).

Analyze the Issues

To explore and analyze the root cause and effects of the selected issues in the community for clarity through theatre management process.

Issue finalization

To prioritize the analyzed issue and select the main issue for dissemination through ranking.

Making the story and Scene

To prepare the theatre story and scene on the facts based on the identified issue/issues through improvisation.

Rationalize the Scene

To justify and make linkage with the prepared scenes through open discussion.

Character Selection

To determine the characters for theatre according to their acting performance through role play and discussion.

Dialogue making

To make dialogue for the characters through improvisation.


To make the good presentable theatre for dissemination through improvisation.

Pre-test show

To identify the gaps & lapses of the theatre production for reforming through presentation & discussion with audience.

Regular show

To present the issue-based theatre before the mass people, issue related power structure, organization & policy maker for raising awareness & creating sensitization.

Discussion with the audience

To know the effectiveness, relevance & necessity of the issues- based Theatre presentation in their community/society.

Committee formation

To encourage the audience to work untidily for solving the issues/problems reflected in the theatre through open discussion.


To assess the positive changes occurred or impact after the theatre dissemination in the selected area through FGD & questionnaire method.


12-16 years age group.


BITA has developed a core group from its experienced cultural resources who have long been working with Theatre Practice & Presentation team both in production development and performance facilitates Theatre in Education.



Visual presentations like drawing, rhymes, puppet, dances, music, recitation and role play.



  • Baseline Survey
  • Subject Selection
  • Script derived from subject
  • Discussion with children about scripts and sharing their opinion
  • Addition of script and extension
  • Materials selections
  • Utility of using materials
  • Performer selection
  • Rehearsal
  • Pretest
  • Presentation
  • Presentation dissemination planning


Empowering Dreams Through Green Entrepreneurship


In the vibrant streets of Chattogram, amid the hustle and bustle of daily life, Nargis Akter Tania’s journey unfolds as a tale of innovation. Born into a modest family, Tania’s entrepreneurial spirit was ignited by the dual fires of necessity and aspiration. Her story is one of overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities, all while prioritizing eco-conscious business practices.


Tania’s entrepreneurial journey began with her participation in the “Youth Innovation Lab 2022,” an initiative by BITA. Though her team consisting of 4 members secured second place at the district level, Tania’s ambition remained undimmed as they dropped by a short margin at the national level. Fueled by her determination, she pressed forward, determined to make her mark as a young entrepreneur. Despite setbacks, Tania founded ‘Tarar Mela,‘ an outlet dedicated to promoting indigenous products in an environmentally friendly manner. Then she identified the absence of technological literacy and recognized the importance of computer training to boost self-help.


She is now upskilling herself in Graphics Design and Soft Skills training operational by BITA. She said, “In support of BITA, I participated in the 2-day Dhaka Business Fair organized by Save the Children, earned around 15 thousand takas, got some work orders, and had a better feeling. I again joined the ‘Youth Innovation Lab’ in 2023, exploring the idea of organic spices, and placed first in the district level.” Over time, Tania’s expertise expanded through training programs in crafting eco-friendly shopping bags by the Youth Directorate, ‘Hand Printing’ and ‘Handicrafts Printing’ from the Chattogram Chamber of Commerce and Industries; ‘Entrepreneurship Training’ offered by the Chattogram Women Chamber. Armed with newfound knowledge and skills, she rebranded her enterprise as ‘Sopnil BD,‘ symbolizing a fresh chapter of growth and opportunity. She also employed two young women, thereby catalyzing economic empowerment at the grassroots level. She thanks the BITA team for facilitating connections with other supporting organizations.


Tania’s journey is not just about business; it’s evidence of the transformative power of education and perseverance. Despite financial constraints, she pursued her education ardently, leveraging every opportunity to enhance her skills and broaden her horizons. In her own words, Tania encapsulates her aspirations succinctly, “My dream is to become a big businessperson in the future. Many people will work in my enterprise and have decent employment opportunities. I expect my advancement will inspire other young women to pursue dreams with determination, upskilling, and initiative. I shall strive to make dreams a reality through honesty, updated skill sets, and hard work.”


Tania is dedicated to inspiring others, especially young women, to pursue their dreams with determination and initiative. Her vision extends beyond personal success; it encompasses a desire to uplift her community and pave the way for a brighter future. Tania’s journey exemplifies the power of resilience and entrepreneurship in transforming lives and communities. Through her unwavering determination and commitment to sustainability, she serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere, proving that with passion and perseverance, dreams can indeed become reality.