21st Issue January – March 2020
BITA youth group of EWASC project arranged an awareness program on prevention from Corona Virus in the Pahartali area of Chattogram. They announced by the hand mike how to prevent from Corona virus and distributed the leaflets to the peoples.
BITA youth groups has taken some initiatives in 29 no and 9 no ward for aware the people of our working area, they initiated an awareness program on 09.03.2020 in 9 no ward 22.03.2020 in 29 no ward. They announced by the hand mike about the prevention step from Corona Virus. They distributed musk (300 musk), leaflet and using poster for aware the people.
Our youth group distributed relief (commodity) to the poor people (about 30 families) who are now staying in the house as per instruction of Gov’t on 28.03.2020 and 29.03.2020 in 29 no ward Halapukur Par.