Sangskriti Unnayan
A quarterly Bangla bulletin of BITA has been being published from the inception of the organization. This is a reflexive documents for BITA intervention.

Chotoder Natok
An edition of children theatre that envelopes 10 theatre scripts.

Development Theatre 1
An edition of improvised theatre of grassroots people that envelopes 15 play.

Development Theatre 2
An edition of scripts of 6 different modalities – local traditional cultural form.

Loko Badok Bonoy Banshi
A book on focusing the LIFE works of a famous traditional Drum Player, who nationally awarded with EKUSHEY PADAK.

Samakaler Kabial
The book is an organized portfolio of traditional folk artists of Chittagong comprising 48 biographies of kabials (traditional folk artists)

Working Guideline : Awareness program on Human Rights
The publication is used as an effective process guideline for promoting human rights through cultural approach.

Module : Unnoyan Dharme Nattya Karjokrom
The module is published for development theatre activists use The module includes the process and mechanism of using theatre for development to promote social civic rights issue.

Kultereller Entwicklungsansatz Erfahrungen der
The book is written in German Language that highlighted – significant changes in the life of poor and marginalized people by cultural approach of BITA as well the justification of institutionalization of culture and development concept and process.

Prosno Uttore Nari Odhikar
It is guide book for disseminating information about women rights and legal rights

Early Marriage : When it is too early
A study documents an early marriage in Bangladesh.

Uttoroner Golpo
An edition of success study for adolescents how they enlighted their lives surroundings.

Module for training of Trainers on Bee keeping
The module is published with the collaboration of ICIMOD Nepal .The module is being used for CHT dwellers for livelihood promotion.

Manob Pachar Protirodh
The book aims to create awareness on combating Human Trafficking and unsafe migration.

Module of Human Rights Education
The module consists of a number of sessions including different process and methods of cultural approach. The book is used disseminating HRE towards different level people for creating sensitization about Human Rights.

The book is a compilation of 7 scripts of folk forms in Bangladesh that highlighted the diversity of the elements of performing arts.

Kornaphuly Nodi Rakha nie Motamot
The book highlights an advocacy issue on environment preservation. In this publication the public opinion on protecting A river- Karnaphuli at Chittagong has been noted.

Unnoyan Theatre : Proyog O Bhasha
The publication is a documentation of the speech of different theatre intellectuals and activists from Bangladesh. The speakers spoke in a council and seminar on Development Theatre.

Colourful People of Bangladesh
The Publication is a pictorial presentation of the lives of indigenous people from Chittagong Hill Tracts.

Natoker Maddoyme Shikha Karjokrom
The book reflects the process and mechanism of disseminating information and knowledge on different topics noted in curriculum in an interesting theatrical way. The process is known as Theatre in Education, a class room based production.

Unnoyan Natya Proshikhon Nirdeshika
This is a module reflecting guideline for disseminating training on Theatre for Development.

Parichalona Nirdeshika, Campaign Theatre Kajokrom
A guideline comprising the working process of campaign theatre program.

Zia Hyder Memorial Speech -1
Examining International Theatre in a Multi-axial World of Transience : An Essay in Refusal
A Zia Hyder Memorial Speech-1 by Professor Syed Jamil Ahmed held on November 2009.

Zia Hyder Memorial Speech -2
Unnoyan O Sangskriti
A Zia Hyder Memorial Speech-2 by former chief justice Mohammad Habibur Rahman held on November 2010

Zia Hyder Memorial Speech -3
Ek Theatre Darshoker Tiris Bachorer Dairy
A Zia Hyder Memorial Speech-3 by Dr. Ashish Goswami held on 16 February 2014.

Culture for Empowerment of People
A study report on situation of cultural life people understanding about cultural approach, key lesson learned of a project-culture for Empowerment of People in Greater Noakhali Region of Bangladesh.

Uthan Boithok Parichalana Sohaika
A working guideline for conducting women circle on Human Rights with rural women adolescents.

Ain O Odhikarer Hate Khori
A working guideline for conducting session on legal rights and law by Dr. Mizanur Rahman.

Empirical Study on Child Rights Situation in CHT
A study paper on situation analysis of Child Rights Situation in Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT)

Adivashi Shishuder Jonno Shishu Jagot Guideline
A Guideline for concluding children space sessions with indigenous children in CHT.

Marma Alphabet Chart
A chart for teaching alphabet and their pronunciation word making of Marma language.

Green Page
A mapping document comprising the information about different NGO’s working in Bandarban,CHT.

Training Module on Social Audit Methodology
A Module comprising the process and method of conducting training on a community based monitoring process- Social Audit.

Exposition and History of Traditional Instruments for the youth
BITA is implementing some important interventions on folk music and instrument playing with the partnership of The Royal Norwegian Embassy and Concert Norway.

The book is a compilation of script of Puppet Theatre Production . Cultural Campaign ‘ Taruner Shantir Avijatra’ Peace building Initiative of Youth.