753 Mehedibag, Chittagong, Bangladesh


Last three years of project experience

Sl no Title Donor Duration Location Budget Major Activities Achievements
01 ROSC (Reaching out of School Children) NFPE

Government of Bangladesh April 2017 to June 2021   Chittagong City Corporation area BDT 146,900,000   *Non-Formal Primary Education through Accelerated Learning Approach   *Dropped out and never enrolled slum children have included into primary education *Community sensitized on supporting education to children *Underprivileged children availed opportunities to express opinions and creativity
02 ROSC (Reaching out of School Children) Providing Livelihood Training,

(Ukhiya, Teknaf)

Government of Bangladesh April 2017       to December 2021   Ukhiya, Teknaf in Cox’s Bazar  and Naikhong chari in Bandarban district BDT 27,300,000   *Skill development and generate of decent employment for vulnerable youth *Dropped out and primary completed youth underprivileged have included into PVT *Community sensitized on supporting PVT to youth *Underprivileged youth availed decent employment opportunities  
03 Empowering women and adolescent for social change

Action Aid   January 2017       to December 2021   2 ward in Chittagong City Corporation BDT 12,962,066   *Capacity Development, *Social Entrepreneurship of Young Man and Woman, *Advocacy with Gov’t, Private Sector Agencies on Economic Opportunities, *Gender responsive Public bservice * Employer and employee of informal sector awarded about decent work. *Young people received skill training and engaged in job. *Youth entrepreneur created. * Women engaged in decision making forum.
04 Community Information and Accountability Services project

UNICEF   November 2018       to December 2022 Rohingya camp, Ukhiya and Teknaf, Cox’s bazar BDT  208,067,495/- *Facilitating IPC sessions & Collect Community feedback in the community including rumor tracking and community engagement *Complaints recorded regarding food, registration, NFI, WASH and So *Feedback regarding the quality of service they received from service points. *Furthermore, queries recorded regarding health service, NFI, WASH, gas and so
on. *Adolescents have got lifesaving messages through ARLC radio program as sessions based which programs broadcasted by Bangladesh Betar Cox’s Bazar. *Through the ARLC intervention with adolescent from the beginning is seen
lot changing of their behavior and creating adolescent friendly environment in their own community.  *Conducted M2M sessions.  
05 Operation of Social Hubs for Rohingya and Host Community Adolescents and Youth UNICEF   August 2020       to        May 2022 Rohingya camp, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar BDT 74031106 *Social hubs establish *Capacity building of adolescents on peace building and social cohesion, *Computer literacy,              *U-Reporting, *ASRH, *Advocacy meeting, *Parents meeting, *Theatre for peace building *Story
*Adolescents and youth reached under ASRH awareness sessions, *Adolescent learned computer operating system *Adolescents & young people received Psychosocial support *Rohingya & host adolescents have been trained on
Social Cohesion & Resilience (SCR). *Social change agents received planning workshop on peace and safety, common wellbeing and local development. *Adolescent boys and girls involved in Theatre for Peace-building.
*Parents have improved attention on positive parenting and supported youth positive engagement
06 BGD Accenture youth employability skills Save the Children International 01 September 2020       to            31 August 2023 Chittagong City Corporation area BDT 16,096,939.00   *ICT and life skill training, *Awareness session on STEM, *Inter school science fair, *Establish ICT club in school, *Mobile training centre (MCT) *Partnership with schools *Out of school children as well as students received Digital Skills & Soft Skills training through MTC *Organized science fairs in different schools of Chattogram City Corporation to spark enthusiasm about digital
technologies and build digital skills of school students. *Partnership created with Schools of Chattogram City Corporation & implemented school-based project activities in School. *ICT clubs were formed in Schools of
Chattogram City Corporation. *Children, teachers, parents & other adults were reached through awareness activity. *We have reinvigorated in school students & reentered out of school students in school to continue
their education  
07 Y-Moves Sweden International Development cooperation Agency(SIDA)Technical support by Plan International Bangladesh 01 February 2020       to            30 June 2024 1 union in Teknaf upazla BDT 4,636,902/- *Community score card *SRHR, SGBV,CP *Training *Girls Take over. *Dialogue session *Training on health education for high school teacher. *Girls Child rights day *NCTF members shared their skills with their classmates on SRHR, child marriage, prevention of child abuse, eve teasing. *NCTF youth received sanitary napkins from Upazilla health and family planning office *Men and women
participated in awareness sessions on sexual and reproductive health and gender based inequality and prevention of child marriage. *NCTF members have received training on sexual and reproductive health; gender based
discrimination or violence advocacy. *Community people operated community score card, for assessing the better treatment and adolescent friendly health care center. *School teachers have received training on health education
and they have taught it to students in class. *FGD conducted and dialogue session arranged with service providers, *Consultations meeting arranged with district administration, *Parents to parents sharing meeting arranged in
the community level,  
08 BGD Strengthening and expanding household and community mechanisms to support the wellbeing and resilience of vulnerable populations affected by Rohingya Crisis and COVID-19, Phase-I Save the Children 1 January 2020      to           31 December 2022 Rohingya camp and host community in Cox’s Bazar district BDT 59,265,539.00   *Community based Child Protection intervention, *Initiate Case management, *Food Security and Livelihood *People are directly benefited by the support of FSL (Food Security & Livelihood program). *Community based MPCAC (Multi-Purpose Children and Adolescent Center) is established providing land by the community
contribution. *Child welfare desk is established in Police Station.  
09 Employability skills and resilience for youth Save the Children International 01 January 2022       to            31 December 2022 2 ward, Chittagong city corporation BDT 11860267.00 *ICT and life skill training, *Establish ICT hub, *Mobile training centre (MCT), *Job placement *Youths received ICT and employability skills & entrepreneurship training, *Youths  received training on employability and graphics design. *Youths received seed money for starting business
10 Bangladesh Counter Trafficking-In-Persons Program (BC/TIP)-Sylhet, Moulovi Bazar, Hobigonj WINROCK International 1 May 2018 to May 2021 Sylhet, Moulovi Bazar, Hobigonj BDT 479,338 *PSA broadcasting by community radio .*Anti trafficking awareness session broadcasted in the community radio. *CTC members participated in training on Human Trafficking, Safe Migration & Child Marriage. *Capacitated Peer leaders through several capacity
building trainings. *The vulnerable population enlisted in VGD program, and different support program under SWD (Socail welfare department) & DWA (Department of women affairs). *Victim linkages with government training
centers for skill training. People (who were interested to go to abroad) & attended training sessions from BKTTC for capacity development. Peer leader & CTC has prevented child marriages in the working area.  
11 Joining Forces for Child Protection in Emergencies (JF-CPiE) Plan International Funded by GFFO 05 July 2022 to 31 May 2024 Ratna Palong, Jalia Palog union, Camp 17, 20, 20 (Ext) of Ukhiya, Baharchara union, teknaf Municipality of Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar BDT  73,498,270.00 *Community based Child Protection intervention, *Initiate. case management, *Food Security and Livelihood, *Establish safe space and providing life skills training. *CFS in host community established, *Consultation meeting conducted with CBCPCs, consultation meeting arranged with of parent’s groups. *Beneficiaries received support through the livelihood activities such as conditional
and unconditional cash support and Technical and vocational education and Training (TVET). *Overall, beneficiaries involved and taken initiatives to utilize their training knowledge. *Beneficiaries awarded and they take
initiative to disseminate the messages in the community.
12 Fighting Slavery and Trafficking-in-Persons WINROCK International   1 April 2022 to 31 March 2024 Anwara, Banchkhali, Fatikchari upazila of Chattrogram, Cox’s Bazar Sadar, Ramu, Ukhiya, Teknaf upazila of Cox’s Bazar, Chandina, Doudkndi, Chowddagram upazila of Cumilla district. BDT  3,312,715 *Capacity enhancement and mobilization of community and relevant institutions, *Community engagement, *Awareness raising on TIP and CM *CTCs,  CMPCs, GBV strengthened for contributing to the effective implementation of  NPAs for TIP and CM. *Organized mass awareness campaign, discussion meeting with religious leader. *Organize mass awareness campaign
through community radio and other medias. *Training conducted for marriage registers. *Organized event to make aware on TIP, CM and safe migration. *Organized trainin in order to enhance capacity to implement prevention,
protection and legal aid activities.  
13 BGD Strengthening resilience and social cohesion of Rohingya and host community in Cox’sBazar through integrated social services and improved Livelihoods Save the Children International-BMZ 01 November 2022 to 31 December 2024 Ukhiya, Teknaf upazila of Cox’s Bazar. BDT  55,572,110 *Community based Child Protection intervention, *Initiate Case management, *Food Security and Livelihood *Training conducted for capacity enhance of Government Officials (DSS). *Children and adolescents aged below 18 years, including  children with disabilities have been enrolled in the three MPCACs for psychosocial support
(PSS) initiatives. *Children received PSS through the structure session following SC’s PSS guidelines. *Vulnerable children including children with disability received home base recreational materials and their families
received need-based support.  
14 Encouraging youth through Theatre Arts IRI July 2023 to October 2023 Chattogram and Cox’s Bazar district BDT  5605086.00 O  *Organize of Cultural campaign through puppet on GBV.   *Youth and mass people awarded on demerits of GBV and they now encourage the community people to stop GBV
15 Empowering Youth in Inclusion project

IRI November 2023 to June 2021 Chattogram and Cox’s Bazar district BDT  1,059,528.00 M  *Awareness raising program for youth on civic consciousness. *Mobile ICT center for practicing civic rights of young persons.   *Young person’s practices and learned EVM using. *Have known clear concept on civic rights and protection of better environment.


Ongoing project


Sl no Title Donor Duration Location Budget Major Activities
01 BGD Accenture youth employability skills(GG-8) Save the Children International 01 June 2023       to             November 2025 Chittagong City Corporation area and Cox’s Bazar BDT 2,39,59,576.00   *ICT and life skill training, *Awareness session on STEM, *Inter school science fair, *Establish ICT club in school, *Mobile training centre (MCT) *Partnership with schools
02 Y-Moves Plan International Bangladesh 01 February 2020       to            30 September 2024 1 union in Teknaf upazla BDT  53,83,050.00 *Community scorecard *SRHR, SGBV,CP *Training *Girls Take over. *Dialogue session *Training on health education for high school teachers. *Girl’s Child rights day
03 BGD Improvement of Employability skills and resilience for youth Save the Children International 01 January 2022       to            31 December 2024 Chittagong city corporation BDT 1,45,94,865.00 *ICT and life skill training, *Establish an ICT hub, *Mobile training center (MCT), *Job placement
04 Joining Forces for Child Protection in Emergencies (JF-CPiE) Plan International Bangladesh 05 July 2022 to 30 June  2024 Ratna Palong, Jalia Palog union, Camp 17, 20, 20 (Ext) of Ukhiya, Baharchara union, Teknaf Municipality of Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar BDT  10,19,19,522.00 *Community-based Child Protection intervention, *Initiate. case management, *Food Security and Livelihood, *Establish a safe space and provide life skills training.
05 Fighting Slavery and Trafficking-in-Persons WINROCK International   1 April 2022 to 31 March 2024 Anwara, Banchkhali, Fatikchari upazila of Chattrogram, Cox’s Bazar Sadar, Ramu, Ukhiya, Teknaf upazila of Cox’s Bazar, Chandina, Doudkndi, Chowddagram upazila of Cumilla district. BDT   37,73,149.00 *Capacity enhancement and mobilization of community and relevant institutions, *Community engagement, *Awareness raising on TIP and CM
06 BGD Strengthening resilience and social cohesion of Rohingya and host community in Cox’sBazar through integrated social services and improved Livelihoods Save the Children International 01 November 2022 to 31 December 2024 Ukhiya, Teknaf upazila of Cox’s Bazar. BDT  5,97,24,398.00 *Community-based Child Protection intervention, *Initiate Case management, *Food Security and Livelihood
07 Empowering Youth in Inclusion project IRI (International Republic Institute) November 2023 to June 2024 Chattogram and Cox’s Bazar district BDT  56,05,086.00   *Awareness raising program for youth on civic consciousness. *Mobile ICT center for practicing civic rights of young persons.  
Strengthening and expanding community protection mechanisms and resilience to                       support the well-being of vulnerable children and wider populations affected by the Rohingya crisis
Save the Children International January 2023 to December 2024 Cox’s Bazar Sadar (Ward no 1, 2 & 12), Camp-4 & 18, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar. BDT  3,89,45,970.00 * Strengthening household and community mechanisms, creating a more resilient and empowered *Community. uplift the vulnerable populations Through collaborative efforts,


BITA project information


Sl no Title Donor Duration Location Budget Beneficiaries Major Activities Stakeholders Achievements
1. Chittagong Cultural Upliftment Project (CCUP) Heinrich Boll Foundation, Germany   Direct: Indirect: *Cultural promotion *Knowledge & Information Management *Deprived community *NGO   *Community people have recognized the alternative development approach of BITA. *Grass root groups have participated in national and international events.
2. Bilateral Drama Production on Trafficking (BDPT) US Embassy, Dhaka 1997 to 2001 Direct: Indirect: *Cultural promotion *Rights & Governance *Collaboration *Policy maker *Media people *NGO activists *A regional campaign on anti women trafficking has been established.
3. Alternative Development Approach for Adolescents (ADAA) ActionAid Bangladesh 2000 to 2010 13, 14 ward Chittagong City Corporation Direct: Indirect: *Rights & Governance *Knowledge & Information Management *Adolescents *Community leaders   *A group of deprived community’s adolescents have been trained on issue based video making who now act as trainers.
4. Protection of Children from Violence, Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination UNICEF Bangladesh   December 2001       To March 2004 15, 22,23,35 no ward, Chittagong City Corporation BDT  6,972,255 Direct: Indirect: *Rights & Governance *Collaboration *Children who are living in street & Deprived area *Police *Community leaders *Spaces have been developed at market places for street children as freedom of expression. *The working children are getting desired wages as a result of continuous advocacy and networking with market committee.
5. Promoting Awareness on Local Government Initiatives


ARD Bangladesh, funded by USAID June 2003 To August 2005 BDT 5,965,875 Direct: Indirect: *Knowledge & Information Management *Cultural Promotion *Collaboration *UP members *NGOs *Community people *Through this project first time, the positive image of local government has been highlighted through cultural initiatives.
6. Culture for Promotion of Rights (CPR) Royal Norwegian Embassy, Dhaka January 2003       to February 2007 Rangunia and Chittagong City Corporation BDT 5,859,732 Direct: Indirect: *Rights & Governance *Cultural promotion *Rural artist *Local Power Structure *School students *Culture has been recognized as effective means of promoting human rights.
7. Protection from Violence, Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination

UNICEF August 2005 To December  2005   15, 22, 23 35 ward Chittagong City Corporation BDT  601,930/   Direct: Indirect: * Support Recreational and Cultural Centres * Develop, produce and disseminate BCC materials * Organize discussion meetings with parents, local authorities and community people     *Street children *Parents *Local authorities *Community people
8. Prevention of Cross Border Trafficking AED/SARI-Equity 2005 to 2006 Direct: Indirect: *Rights & Governance *Youth group *Community people *Awareness on trafficking issue has been widely spread within the common people of border areas.
9. SHOUHARDO CARE-Bangladesh, funded by USAID January 2006         to February 2010 BDT 77,319,314 Direct: Indirect: *Rights & Governance *Children *Hardcore poor women *Hard core poor women have been addressed in the mainstream development initiatives to ensure food security.
10. Protection of Children on the Street from Violence, Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination (PCSVAED) UNICEF Bangladesh October 2006        To September 2008 Kotwali, Bouble Mooring, Punchlaish, Bandar thana of Chittagong city. BDT  10,703,358 Direct: Indirect: *Protect the rights of street children *Children living in Chittagong City  Corporation area *Parents & caregivers *Bazaar committee *Law enforcing agencies *Improved living condition and access to services for street children *Sensitized stakeholder to pay attention to meet rights & needs of children
11 Engender Women’s Social Recognition through Legal Empowerment

GTZ November 2007          to July 2008 Rangunia, Chittagong BDT 968,500 Direct: Indirect: *Rights & Governance *UP Chairman, members *Marginalized women *Community people * Legal rights information has been disseminated and legal structure of union parishad has strengthened so that women get access and proper justice against oppression.
12 Prevention & Protection of Victims of Human trafficking in Bangladesh


International Organization for Migration (IOM) August 2007          to January 2010 BDT 7,806,250 Direct: Indirect: *Rights & Governance *GO, NGOs *Community people *School and college teachers & students *Bazaar committees * Preventive and protective mechanisms to reduce human trafficking is being initiated at the targeted areas.
13 Protection and Prevention of Victims of Human Trafficking in Bangladesh (PPVHTB) International Organization for Migration (IOM)   August 2007            to           January 2010 Chittagong & Cox’s Bazar BDT 7,806,250 Direct: Indirect: * Conduct Focus Group Discussion * Organize Bazar Meeting * Conduct community based cultural events * Organize awareness raising workshop with district level government officials * Training of school teachers on trafficking
issue * Provide IGA training to vulnerable women group and provide input support
*Children *Adolescent girl *Women
14 Facilitate Women’s Equality to Reduce Violence Against Women (FWERVAW)

OXFAM November 2007         To June 2011 Patiya, Lohagara, Chandanaish upazila, City Corporation in Chittagong,Laxmipur and Cox’s Bazar District BDT 1,134.4500 Direct: Indirect: *Rights & Governance *Community people *NGOs *Education institutions * Community level Change Makers are effectively disseminating domestic violence issues to other stakeholders to protect safety net for women.
15 Child Rights Awareness Raining in Chittagong (CRARC) Save the Children Sweden-Denmark January 2008 to December 2010 BDT 7,350,928 Direct: Indirect: *Rights & Governance   *Deprived children *School students *Teacher *An alternative rights based education process has been established through children space. *Rights based issues have been disseminated through cultural initiatives.
16 People’s awareness on prevention of human trafficking through community based cultural intervention

International Organization for Migration (IOM) 2008-2010 Direct: Indirect: *Rights & Governance *Cultural Promotion *Community people *NGOs *Cultural Institutions *Local government *Country wide NGO network has established to prevent human trafficking through creating awareness among mass population.
17 Culture for Empowerment of People (CEP)

The Royal Danish Embassy March 2008 To August 2011 BDT 46,003,102   Direct: Indirect: *Cultural Promotion *Knowledge & Information Management *Collaboration *Community people *NGOs *Cultural Institutions * Cultural resources of greater Noakhali have been identified and recognition to promote cultural heritage has been understood by the people.
18 Alternative Media Project


ICIMOD Direct: Indirect: *Cultural promotion *Knowledge & Information Management *Ethnic people *Promotion of best practice of natural resources has been possible through cultural approach.
19 Promotion of Human Rights Advocacy through Human Rights Education and Contentiousness (PHRAHREC) AED Direct: Indirect: *Rights & Governance *Knowledge & Information Management *Cultural promotion *Rural Women *Local government *School students *Professionals *Group of grassroots women has been organized and involve with human rights education. *School students have been directly participated in human rights education.
20 Empowering Women through Cultural Approach


Royal Danish Embassy Direct: Indirect: *Rights & Governance *Labor Contracting Society of Danida’s road construction project *Rights education through cultural approach
21 Adolescents Reproductive Health BCCP Direct: Indirect: *Knowledge & Information Management *Formal Education Institution’s participants *HIV Aids and reproductive health education through life skill
22 Actions for Combating Trafficking-in -Persons(ACT) Program Winrock International, Funded by USAID November 2009         to October 2010 Direct: Indirect: *Rights & Governance *Community people *Youth group *Anti trafficking safety net has been created in the targeted areas.
23 Strengthening capacity and mobilization of Civil Society Organizations and citizen groups for social audit on government program PROGATI, USAID September 2010           To July 2012 Rupsha & Batiaghata upazilas of Khulna, Assasuni & Shyamnagar Upazila of Satkhira, Meherpur sadar & Gangni upazilas of Meherpur. Jhenaidah sadar & Harinakundu upazilas of Jhenaidah, Bagerhat sadar &
Chitolmari upazilas of Bagerhat district.
BDT 9,606,053 Direct: Indirect: *Rights & Governance *Community people *Civil Society *Government *A new approach of governance monitoring has been explored on public service delivery through this project
24 Strengthening NSAs to claim rights and services for extreme marginalized and society excluded communities of Bangladesh OXFAM GB September 2010        To August 2013 Noakhali sadar, Kabirhat, Begumgonj in Nokhali and Sadar, Raypur, Ramgoti in Laxmipur district BDT  25,294,829   Direct: Indirect: *Right & Governance *Non State Actors *Community people *Civil Society               *Capacity building of NSA, civil society and local communities on public services, good governance will be ensuring through the project.
25 Improved Educational Services for Children of Ethnic Groups in Chittagong Hill Tract (IESCEGCHT) Save the Children in Bangladesh & IKEA Foundation   May 2010 To April 2013 Bandarban sadar, Roangchari, Thanchi in Bandarban And Ramu upazila I Cox’s Bazar district BDT 1,85,09,940 Direct: Indirect: *Rights & Governance *Information & Knowledge Management   *Children *Youth *Community people *Traditional leaders *Market actors *Local government & GO agencies *Improved access to decent employment opportunities of ethnic children and youth *Enhanced quality learning opportunities *Improved market access for ethnic adolescents  and youth
26 Joint Initiative of BITA and RFLDC on Promotion of Human Right through CBOs by Cultural Interventions (RFLDC) Agriculture Extension Component, GO & DANIDA November 2010        To July 2012 14 upazila in Noakhali and Laxmipur district including Hatiya BDT  2,282,594 Direct: Indirect: *Cultural promotion *Rights & Governance *CBOs *Grassroots artists *Community people *Local Government institutions *Improved capacity and involvement of CBOs in protecting and promoting human rights in the community *Enhanced ability to utilize cultural means through CBOs’ efforts
27 Empowering Women and Adolescents for Social Change (LRP 41) ActionAid Bangladesh July 2011 To June 2013 29 no ward, Chittagong city corporation BDT 72,00,000 Direct: Indirect: *Women rights and gender equality *Youth Empowerment *Sponsorship *Community Youth and Women *Service providers agencies *Local government institutions *Capacity building of youth on rights and justice issues. *Women’s action reflection groups are strengthened. *Children’s access to education increased.
28 Accelerate Livelihood of Left-behind Older Workforce (ALLOW) Funded by SHIREE and supported by Help Age International October 2011 To September 2014 4 union of Ramgoti upazila, Laxmipur BDT 12,368,898. Direct: Indirect: *Empowerment of older population *500 extreme poor older people and their families *Govt social safety net programs *Livelihood support increased the economic condition of extreme poor older people. *Social safety net support extended to the older people
29 Employment  Opportunities for Children in Hill and Rural Areas to be Active Citizen (EOCHRAAC) Save the Children in Bangladesh January 2011       To December 2013 Chittagong BDT 7,566,342.00 Direct: Indirect: *Rights & Governance *Information & Knowledge Management   *Children *Youth *Community people *Traditional leaders *Market actors *Local government & GO agencies *Improved ability to avail decent employment opportunities of rural and hilly  children and youth *Enhanced quality learning opportunities *Improved  opportunities to play role as active citizen
30 Strengthening Democratic Local Governance- SDLG (Promote Local Governance for Strengthening Public Accountability) Tetra Tech ARD/ USAID January 2012       To January 2014 44 union of Laxmipur and Chandpur district BDT 38,989,856 Direct: Indirect: *Good Governance *Local Government units *Citizen *Civil Society members *Local administration *Capacity building of local government on participatory planning, budgeting, revenue generation *Citizen in governance monitoring
31 Protecting Human Rights Project Plan Bangladesh/ USAID May 2012 To December 2015 Patiya, Chittagong BDT 71,94,287 Direct: Indirect: *Human rights   *Union Parishad *Relevant Govt. Officials *Community people *Evidence based data base *Advocacy meeting *Victim care and support
32 Exposition of Folklore Instrument and Musical History to the Youth Funded by Royal Norwegian Embassy, supported by Concert Norway July 2012        To January 2014 Chittagong BDT 2,356,905 Direct: Indirect: *Research on the history of traditional musical history of Bangladesh *Display of instrument before young people and help them learn playing. *School student *Community youth *Traditional Musicians *An opportunity has been created for the young generation to know about the musical history of Bangladesh and find out the interesting instruments to learn.
33 Supporting restoration and preservation of culture and heritage in Ramu, Cox’s Bazar German Embassy Dhaka February 2013        To December 2013 Ramu, Cox’s Bazar BDT 49,924,00. Direct: Indirect: *Preservation of cultural heritage in Ramu *Develop cultural resource centre *Community people *Cultural workers *Community people share their history and cultural heritage to the young generation
34 Livelihood Improvement Facilities for Ethnics (LIFE) Funded by CODEC, supported by The Royal Danish Embassy July 2013      To June 2015 Mirarsharai, Fatikchari upazila, Chittagong BDT1,236,250 Direct: Indirect: *Ensure Human Rights of the Ethnic Communities. *Ethnic communities of Mirarsharai and Fatikcchari. *Enhanced decision making capacity of the hill community through participatory learning approach.
35 Child Led Initiatives for Ethnic Children (CLIEC) Save the Children Sweden-Denmark January 2014          To December 2014 BDT 31,00,000 Direct: Indirect: *Rights & Governance *Cultural Promotion *Adolescent *Parents *Local NGOs *Life skill and reproductive health related information are now accessible to the ethnic adolescents.
36 Empowering Women and Adolescents for Social Change (LRP 41) ActionAid Bangladesh July 2014 To June 2016 29 no ward, Chittagong city corporation BDT 11,163,239 Direct: Indirect: *Women rights and gender equality *Youth Empowerment *Sponsorship *Community Youth and Women *Service providers agencies *Local government institutions *Capacity building of youth on rights and justice issues. *Women’s action reflection groups are strengthened. *Children’s access to education increased.
37 Child Protection Save the Children Bangladesh Jan-2014 to December 2014 Bandarban Sadar BDT 31,00,000 Direct: Indirect: * Capacity developmentof CBCPC. *Develop targeted IEC materials on SGBV and child marriage. * Capacitating girl children to play an empowered role for civic engagement to prevent Child Marriage and SGBV issues. *Creating
access for children and their families in government social safety net programs. * Developing community based reporting mechanisms
*Children *Women *CBCPC *Caregivers *Communities *CBOs
38 Counter Trafficking Programme in Bangladesh (CTPB) The Dewalka Foundation Direct: Indirect: *Prevent human trafficking and promote child rights *Community people *Children *School teacher *Empowered the community  to combat trafficking  with information, techniques and mechanisms
39 Collective Advocacy to Criminalize Domestic Violence Project South Asian Partnership Direct: Indirect: *Rights & Governance *Civil society people *NGOs *Media people   *Build public opinion and influenced policy makers to draft law regarding domestic violence
40 Access to Justice & Good Governance Madaripur Legal Aid Association Direct: Indirect: *Rights & Governance *Information & Knowledge Management *Rural women *Community people *Local government actors *Improved access for  rural people especially  women to get justice *Strengthened  local  justice delivery mechanisms
41 Participatory Community Development through Cultural Initiatives (PCDCI) Save the Children in Bangladesh Direct: Indirect: *Rights & Governance *Cultural promotion *Children *Community people *Traditional leaders *Local government actors & GO *Developed safety-net to protect children from violence in CHT *Improved  knowledge and ability of  community and institutions in protection of child rights
42 Education for Youth Empowerment  (EYE)-DANIDA frame Save the Children in Bangladesh   January 2014        To December 2015 Sadar, Roangchari in Bandarban district BDT 1,85,09,940 Direct: Indirect: *Information & Knowledge Management *Rights & Governance     *Children *Youth *Community people *Traditional leaders *Market actors *Local government & GO agencies *Improving  access to decent employment opportunities of ethnic children and youth *Opportunity created to enhance quality learning opportunities *Improving  market access for ethnic adolescents  and youth
43 Prevent and respond towards Violence against Children through a system approach (PRTVACSA) Save the Children in Bangladesh January 2014        To December 2014 BDT 31,00,000 Direct: Indirect: *Rights & Governance *Cultural promotion *Children *Community people *Traditional leaders *Local government actors & GO *Strengthening safety-net to protect children from violence in CHT *Improvements on   knowledge and ability of  community and institutions in protection of child rights
44 Social Engagement for  Budgetary Accountability (SEBA) Manusher Jonno Foundation   December 2014 To March 2017 9 Unions under Patiya upazila of Chittagong district BDT 8,292,272 Direct: Indirect: * promote accountable and responsive local governance * strengthening local government * capacity building and awareness of the people *Local Gov’t
45 Inclusion of Older people in Disaster Resilience in South Asia Help Age International December 2014       To May 2017 Char Algi and Borokhari unions of Ramgoti upazila in Lakshmipur district BDT 4,703,139 Direct: Indirect: *Training for CBO’s, UDMC and LDMC *Distribution of seed grants for CBO/OPAs for DRR.   *CBO *UDMC *Community older people’s *Local Govt *Increased community capacity to assess and mitigate disaster risk faced by older people; *Improving the ability of actors to deliver inclusive humanitarian assistance; *Established a regional emergency Fund (REF)
46 Social Engagement for Budgetary Accountability Manusher Jonno Foundation  (MJF) December 2014        To March 2017 BDT 8,292,272 Direct: Indirect: *Conduct Training/ Orientation LGU *Conduct Social Audit *Public Hearing *Regional level round table meeting *Community Influential *LGU *Local administration *Civil society actor & media   *Increased budgetary transparency of Union parished ensured by free flow of information. *Crated more accountability of UP representatives to the people for planning, budgeting and participation of marginalized groups.
47 Inclusive of Older people in Disaster Resilience in South Asia Help Age International   December 2014 to May 2017 BDT 4,703,139/- Direct: Indirect: *Training for CBO’s, UDMC and LDMC *Distribution of seed grants for CBO/OPAs for DRR. *CBO *UDMC *Community older people’s *Local Govt
48 Mass Awareness raising on child marriage Prevention of violence against children Ministry of Women and Children Affairs (MOWCA) Bangladesh January 2015        To March 2015 Bandarban, Rangamati & Khagrachori, Feni, Nowakhai, Chadpur & Luxmipur   BDT 20,16550 Direct: Indirect: *Mass awareness on conducting meeting *School Children *Community Influential *Local Govt. Representatives *Local Administration *Community initiative is to taking effective steps to stop all kinds of Child violence of child marriage, physical & humanizing punishment, hazardous child labor & trafficking in this region.
49 Safe migration for Bangladeshi Workers Innovation Fund BRAC August 2015         To December 2016 Patiya Chittagong BDT  27,26,590/- Direct: Indirect: *Conduct Women Circle *Cultural Campaign through Street Theatre *Provide IGA Training *Meeting with Upazilla level Govt. officials & LER and leaders. *Left behind family *women *Govt & elected representatives

*Improved knowledge on safe migration, *Enhancing capacity and networking for the sustained improvement for the migrant people and their families.
50 UNHCR Youth Initiative Fund 2015 UNHCR May 2016       To November 2016 Kutupalong and Nayapara registered Refugee Camp in Cox’s Bazar District BDT 7,31,100 Direct: Indirect: *Capacity assessment mapping on creative communication *Capacity development training on Easy theatre making §  Develop Campaign theatre production §  Theatre Performance   *Refugee Youth *Develop creative communication based theatrical skills on theatre performance & be an actor. *Facilitating skills to conduct cultural campaign in community on community issues.  
51 Creating Awareness on Census for Undocumented Myanmar Nationals in Bangladesh International Orgaanization for Migration (IOM) May 2016        To June 2016 Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, Bandarban, Rangamati & Khagrachori (35 Union under 19 of Upazilla BDT 45,52,000 Direct: Indirect: *Creating Awareness through cultural intervention of Theatre, Puppet & Kobigaan *Undocumented Myanmar Nationals *Created Awareness on Census for Undocumented Myanmar Nationals in Bangladesh
52 Mass Awareness raising Program on Prevention of Gender based Voilence in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) UNDP May  2016     To September 2016 RangamatiBandarbanKhagrachhari district BDT 14,99,913/- Direct: Indirect: *Upazilla level cultural program on Gender based Violence Prevention *District level Information Sharing workshop *Capacity development training for youth & women *Film Festival *Ethnic people *Changed in attitude and belief in women and men that perpetuate social acceptance of GBV and disseminate information about the govt. and non govt. *Ensured legal aid and other necessary services at the district, Upazilla
and community level by using approaches for mass attitudinal change to end VAW.
53 Building preparedness of vulnerable communities through inclusive disaster risk reduction initiatives

Help Age International   July 2017       to July 2020   BDT 50,67,012.00   Direct: 3780 Indirect: *Training for CBO’s, UDMC and LDMC *Distribution of seed grants for CBO/OPAs for DRR. *CBO *UDMC *Community older people’s *Local Govt
54 Countering and Prevention of Violent Extremism

Democracy International   May 2017          to Feb 2018   BDT 2,397,364.00   Direct: Indirect: *Puppet show *Community meeting *School Programe   Youth  
55 ROSC (Reaching out of School Children) NFPE

Government of Bangladesh April 2017 to December 2021   Chittagong City Corporation area BDT 146,900,000   Direct: 6687 Indirect: *Non-Formal Primary Education through Accelerated Learning Approach   *Underprivileged slum children *Parents and caregivers *Community leaders *Local government actors *Government officials   *Dropped out and never enrolled slum children have included into primary education *Community sensitized on supporting education to children *Underprivileged children availed opportunities to express opinions and creativity
56 ROSC (Reaching out of School Children) Providing Livelihood Training,

(Ukhiya, Teknaf)

Government of Bangladesh April 2017       to December 2021   Ukhiya, Teknaf in Cox’s Bazar  and Naikhong chari in Bandarban district BDT 27,300,000   Direct: 500 Indirect: *Skill development and generate of decent employment for vulnerable youth *Underprivileged children *Parents and caregivers *Community leaders *Local government actors *Government officials   *Dropped out and primary completed youth underprivileged have included into PVT *Community sensitized on supporting PVT to youth *Underprivileged youth availed decent employment opportunities  
57 Migration

BRAC   May 2017       to Feb 2018   BDT  27,26,590   Direct: Indirect: *TfD show *Courtate meeting *IGA training *Women *UP body *Community people
58 Bangladesh Counter Trafficking-In-Persons Program (BC/TIP WINROCK International August 2017       to September 2018   BDT 3,294,825.00   Direct: Indirect: *Countering Trafficking and promoting safe migration * Rural children and youth * Community people * Local government actors * CSOs *Community sensitized on unsafe migration *School children informed about countering trafficking and safe migration  
59 Empowering women and adolescent for social change

Action Aid   January 2017       to December 2021   2 ward in Chittagong City Corporation BDT 12,962,066   Direct: 1583 Indirect: *Capacity Development, *Social Entrepreneurship of Young Man and Woman, *Advocacy with Gov’t, Private Sector Agencies on Economic Opportunities, *Gender responsive Public bservice *Women and Adolescent group * Employer and employee of informal sector awarded about decent work. *Young people received skill training and engaged in job. *Youth entrepreneur created. * Women engaged in decision making forum.
60 Youth

Engagement of Preventing and Responding to Violent




Action of

Puppet in CCC

Democracy International Direct: Indirect: *Youth-led awareness campaign for peace building through puppet presentation *Community youth *Community leaders *Local government actors *Educational institution *Law enforcement agency *Media people *Social organizations *Hundred of youth participation into the puppet clubs *About 24 socio-cultural local organizations involvement into the process from inception of the process in community level. *Demands placed to organize show by different
organizations. 6 (six) shows performed inviting from local govt. administration, cultural platforms, educational institutes, etc. *Bangladesh Television Chittagong Center recorded the puppet show for telecast the show under
Bangladesh Television (Govt) *Organizational capacity increased on PVE. *About 9,500 direct audience watched the puppet show and well informed about the issue of violent extremism.
61 Bangladesh Counter Trafficking in Person (Banchkhali, Anwara, Patya, Cox’s Bazar)

WINROCK International   September 2018 to August 2020   Banchkhali, Anwara, Patya, Cox’s Bazar BDT 10,776,460   Direct: 45753 Indirect: *Meeting  & Training with Union, Upazila and District CTC member *Mobilization meeting at community level *TiE show at secondary school level *TFD show *PSA Broadcasting by community Radio   *Union, Upazila and District CTC member *Community People *Student *Trafficking Victims *Potential Migrants *And Drop-in-Center
62 Bangladesh Counter Trafficking in Person (Ukhiya & Teknaf upazila in Cox’s Bazar)

WINROCK International   October 2018       to   August 2020   Ukhiya & Teknaf upazila in Cox’s Bazar BDT 14,242,546.00 Direct: 1093293 Indirect: *Meeting  & Training with Union, Upazila and District CTC member *Mobilization meeting at community level *TiE show at secondary school level *TfD show *PSA Broadcasting by community Radio   *Union, Upazila and District CTC member *Community People *Student *Trafficking Victims *Potential Migrants *Drop-in-Center
63 Promoting psychosocial well-being through cultural initiatives for protecting Rohingya adolescents from abuse, exploitation and GBV UNICEF Rohingya camp, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar Direct: Indirect: *Child protection through cultural promotion *Rohingya adolescents *Mazhis, parents, caregivers, religious leaders *Camp officials, CSOs, UN agencies   *Rohingya adolescents got joyful environment and knowledge on child protection issues. *Explored Rohingya adolescents‟ meaningful participation in social drama *Community sensitization created on child protection issues
focusing abuse, exploitation and GBV  
64 Promoting Social Engagement through Cultural Initiatives for Protective Environment ( Ukhya  Teknaf) UNICEF   June2018 to June2019   Ukhya  Teknaf BDT 31,290,334.00   Direct: Indirect: *TFD show *Theatre show *Mandrill *Mentor training *Meeting with community *Temporary Shade Development *Adolescent & Youth group *Religious Leader *Majhi( Rohinga Leader)  
65 Community Information and Accountability Services project

UNICEF   November 2018       to December 2022 Rohingya camp, Ukhiya and Teknaf, Cox’s bazar BDT  208,067,495/- Direct: 450000 Indirect: *Facilitating IPC sessions & Collect Community feedback in the community including rumor tracking and community engagement *Rohingya individuals
66 People’s Jubilant engagement for Tobacco Free Chittagong City Campaign for Tobacco Free-Kids Grants-USA August 2018       to   January 2020 Chittagong City Corporation area BDT 11,888,770 Direct: 4500000 Indirect: *Theatre show *Puppet show *Concert show *Mass campaigning *Youth *Policy Maker *Mass People
67 Shantite Bijoy Democracy International November 2018       to     March 2019 BDT 7,400,000 Direct: Indirect: *Awareness raising *Mass People *Youth platform formed *Mass people awarded on peace
68 Theatre in Education on PVE MSI-USAID June 2018 to January 2019 BDT 630,100 Direct: 1002565 Indirect: *Classroom based TIE presentation with PVE messaging, *Sharpen knowledge and understanding on peace and harmony, *Idea for newer initiatives generate. *Formal High school student, *parents, *School management and other stakeholder.
69 Establish Social Hubs for Rohingya and Host Community Adolescents and Youth UNICEF   June 2018 to July 2020   Rohingya Camp, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar BDT 61,369,084.00 Direct: 12000 Indirect: *Capacity building of adolescents on peace building, *Computer literacy,  *Advocacy meeting, *Parents meeting, *TFD *Theatre show *Mock-drill *Mentor training *Meeting *Temporary Shade Development   *Adolescent & Youth group, *Community people, *Religious Leaders, *Majhi ( Rohingya Leader)  
70 Operation of Social Hubs for Rohingya and Host Community Adolescents and Youth UNICEF   August 2020       to        May 2022 Rohingya camp, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar BDT 74031106 Direct: 22300 Indirect: *Social hubs establish *Capacity building of adolescents on peace building and social cohesion, *Computer literacy,              *U-Reporting, *ASRH, *Advocacy meeting, *Parents meeting, *Theatre for peace building *Story
*Adolescent & Youth group, *Community people, *Religious Leaders, *Majhi ( Rohingya Leader)  
71 BGD strengthening and expanding household and community mechanisms to
support the wellbeing and resilience of vulnerable populations affected by Rohingya Crisis and COVID-19, Phase-I
Save the Children 1 January 2020       to           31 December 2020 Rohingya camp and host community in Cox’s Bazar district BDT 99,50,539/-   Direct: 4400 Indirect: *Establish CBCPC committee. *Meeting with CBCPC and Adolescents group. *Establish child club. *Training with parents and child club. *Ensure food security and livelihood *Children and their family
72 BGD Accenture youth employability skills Save the Children International 01 September 2020       to            31 August 2021 Chittagong City Corporation area BDT 36,40,800   Direct: 6998 Indirect: *ICT and life skill training, *Awareness session on STEM, *Inter school science fair, *Establish ICT club in school, *Mobile training centre (MCT) *Partnership with schools *Youth and adolescents, *Teachers *School management
73 BGD Accenture youth employability skills Save the Children International 01 September 2021       to            31 August 2022 Chittagong City Corporation area BDT 3,872,754   Direct: 6998 Indirect: *ICT and life skill training, *Awareness session on STEM, *Inter school science fair, *Establish ICT club in school, *Mobile training centre (MCT) *Partnership with schools *Youth and adolescents, *Teachers *School management
74 BGD Accenture youth employability skills Save the Children International 01 September 2022 to 31 August 23, Chittagong City Corporation area BDT 8,583,385/-   Direct: 6998 Indirect: *ICT and life skill training, *Awareness session on STEM, *Inter school science fair, *Establish ICT club in school, *Mobile training centre (MCT) *Partnership with schools *Youth and adolescents, *Teachers *School management
75 Y-Moves Sweden International Development cooperation Agency(SIDA)Technical support by Plan International Bangladesh 01 February 2020       to            30 June 2024 1 union in Teknaf upazla BDT 4,636,902/- Direct: 45 Indirect: 694 *Community score card *SRHR, SGBV,CP *Training *Girls Take over. *Dialogue session *Training on health education for high school teacher. *Girls Child rights day *Children and Adolescents, *Local government. *Civil society, *Govt. official. *Community people
76 Strengthening and expanding household and community mechanisms to support the wellbeing and resilience of vulnerable populations affected by Rohingya Crisis and COVID-19, Phase-I Save the Children 1 January 2021       to           31 December 2022 Rohingya camp and host community in Cox’s Bazar district BDT 49,315,000/-   Direct: 9925 Indirect: *Community based Child Protection intervention, *Initiate Case management, *Food Security and Livelihood *Children, *Parents, *Community people, *Local Govt., *Different department of Bangladesh Govt.
77 BGD Accenture youth employability skills Save the Children International 01 September 2021       to            31 August 2022 Chittagong City Corporation BDT 8,583,385/-   Direct: 5792 Indirect: *ICT and life skill training, *Awareness session on STEM, *Inter school science fair, *Establish ICT club in school, *Mobile training centre (MCT) *Youth and adolescents, *Teachers *School management
78 Employability and resilience skills for youth Save the Children International 01 January 2022       to            31 December 2022 2 ward, Chittagong city corporation BDT 8,410,800/- Direct: Indirect: *ICT and life skill training, *Establish ICT hub, *Mobile training centre (MCT), *Job placement *Youth, *Parents, *Community People
79 Bangladesh Counter Trafficking-In-Persons Program (BC/TIP)-Sylhet, Moulovi Bazar, Hobigonj WINROCK International Sylhet, Moulovi Bazar, Hobigonj BDT 479,338 Direct: 174200 Indirect: *PSA broadcasting by community radio *Union, upazila and district CTC members *Community people *Student Trafficked victims *Potential migrants
80 Joining Forces for Child Protection in Emergencies (JF-CPiE) Plan International Funded by GFFO 05 July 2022 to 31 May 2024 BDT  73,498,270 Community based Child Protection intervention, Initiate Case management, Food Security and Livelihood, safe space, life skills Children, Parents, Caregivers Community people, Local Govt., Different department of Bangladesh Govt.
81 Fighting Slavery and Trafficking-in-Persons WINROCK International   1 April 2022 to 31 March 2024 BDT  3,312,715 Capacity enhancement and mobilization of community and relevant institutions, Community engagement, Awareness raising on TIP and CM Union, Upazila and District CTC members, Demo Officials Peer Leaders Community People Students Trafficking Victims Potential Migrants
82 BGD Strengthening resilience and social cohesion of Rohingya and host community in Cox’sBazar through integrated social services and improved Livelihoods Save the Children International-BMZ 01 November 2022 to 31 December 2024 BDT  55,572,110 Community based Child Protection intervention, Initiate Case management, Food Security and Livelihood Children, Parents, Community people, Local Govt., Different department of Bangladesh Govt.