Last three years of project experience
Sl no | Title | Donor | Duration | Location | Budget | Major Activities | Achievements |
01 |
ROSC (Reaching out of School Children) NFPE
Government of Bangladesh | April 2017 to June 2021 | Chittagong City Corporation area | BDT 146,900,000 | *Non-Formal Primary Education through Accelerated Learning Approach |
*Dropped out and never enrolled slum children have included into primary education *Community sensitized on supporting education to children *Underprivileged children availed opportunities to express opinions and creativity |
02 |
ROSC (Reaching out of School Children) Providing Livelihood Training,
(Ukhiya, Teknaf) |
Government of Bangladesh | April 2017 to December 2021 | Ukhiya, Teknaf in Cox’s Bazar and Naikhong chari in Bandarban district | BDT 27,300,000 | *Skill development and generate of decent employment for vulnerable youth | *Dropped out and primary completed youth underprivileged have included into PVT *Community sensitized on supporting PVT to youth *Underprivileged youth availed decent employment opportunities |
03 |
Empowering women and adolescent for social change
Action Aid | January 2017 to December 2021 | 2 ward in Chittagong City Corporation | BDT 12,962,066 | *Capacity Development, *Social Entrepreneurship of Young Man and Woman, *Advocacy with Gov’t, Private Sector Agencies on Economic Opportunities, *Gender responsive Public bservice | * Employer and employee of informal sector awarded about decent work. *Young people received skill training and engaged in job. *Youth entrepreneur created. * Women engaged in decision making forum. |
04 |
Community Information and Accountability Services project
UNICEF | November 2018 to December 2022 | Rohingya camp, Ukhiya and Teknaf, Cox’s bazar | BDT 208,067,495/- | *Facilitating IPC sessions & Collect Community feedback in the community including rumor tracking and community engagement |
*Complaints recorded regarding food, registration, NFI, WASH and So *Feedback regarding the quality of service they received from service points. *Furthermore, queries recorded regarding health service, NFI, WASH, gas and so on. *Adolescents have got lifesaving messages through ARLC radio program as sessions based which programs broadcasted by Bangladesh Betar Cox’s Bazar. *Through the ARLC intervention with adolescent from the beginning is seen lot changing of their behavior and creating adolescent friendly environment in their own community. *Conducted M2M sessions. |
05 | Operation of Social Hubs for Rohingya and Host Community Adolescents and Youth | UNICEF | August 2020 to May 2022 | Rohingya camp, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar | BDT 74031106 |
*Social hubs establish *Capacity building of adolescents on peace building and social cohesion, *Computer literacy, *U-Reporting, *ASRH, *Advocacy meeting, *Parents meeting, *Theatre for peace building *Story telling |
*Adolescents and youth reached under ASRH awareness sessions, *Adolescent learned computer operating system *Adolescents & young people received Psychosocial support *Rohingya & host adolescents have been trained on Social Cohesion & Resilience (SCR). *Social change agents received planning workshop on peace and safety, common wellbeing and local development. *Adolescent boys and girls involved in Theatre for Peace-building. *Parents have improved attention on positive parenting and supported youth positive engagement |
06 | BGD Accenture youth employability skills | Save the Children International | 01 September 2020 to 31 August 2023 | Chittagong City Corporation area | BDT 16,096,939.00 | *ICT and life skill training, *Awareness session on STEM, *Inter school science fair, *Establish ICT club in school, *Mobile training centre (MCT) *Partnership with schools |
*Out of school children as well as students received Digital Skills & Soft Skills training through MTC *Organized science fairs in different schools of Chattogram City Corporation to spark enthusiasm about digital technologies and build digital skills of school students. *Partnership created with Schools of Chattogram City Corporation & implemented school-based project activities in School. *ICT clubs were formed in Schools of Chattogram City Corporation. *Children, teachers, parents & other adults were reached through awareness activity. *We have reinvigorated in school students & reentered out of school students in school to continue their education |
07 | Y-Moves | Sweden International Development cooperation Agency(SIDA)Technical support by Plan International Bangladesh | 01 February 2020 to 30 June 2024 | 1 union in Teknaf upazla | BDT 4,636,902/- | *Community score card *SRHR, SGBV,CP *Training *Girls Take over. *Dialogue session *Training on health education for high school teacher. *Girls Child rights day |
*NCTF members shared their skills with their classmates on SRHR, child marriage, prevention of child abuse, eve teasing. *NCTF youth received sanitary napkins from Upazilla health and family planning office *Men and women participated in awareness sessions on sexual and reproductive health and gender based inequality and prevention of child marriage. *NCTF members have received training on sexual and reproductive health; gender based discrimination or violence advocacy. *Community people operated community score card, for assessing the better treatment and adolescent friendly health care center. *School teachers have received training on health education and they have taught it to students in class. *FGD conducted and dialogue session arranged with service providers, *Consultations meeting arranged with district administration, *Parents to parents sharing meeting arranged in the community level, |
08 | BGD Strengthening and expanding household and community mechanisms to support the wellbeing and resilience of vulnerable populations affected by Rohingya Crisis and COVID-19, Phase-I | Save the Children | 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2022 | Rohingya camp and host community in Cox’s Bazar district | BDT 59,265,539.00 | *Community based Child Protection intervention, *Initiate Case management, *Food Security and Livelihood |
*People are directly benefited by the support of FSL (Food Security & Livelihood program). *Community based MPCAC (Multi-Purpose Children and Adolescent Center) is established providing land by the community contribution. *Child welfare desk is established in Police Station. |
09 | Employability skills and resilience for youth | Save the Children International | 01 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 | 2 ward, Chittagong city corporation | BDT 11860267.00 | *ICT and life skill training, *Establish ICT hub, *Mobile training centre (MCT), *Job placement | *Youths received ICT and employability skills & entrepreneurship training, *Youths received training on employability and graphics design. *Youths received seed money for starting business |
10 | Bangladesh Counter Trafficking-In-Persons Program (BC/TIP)-Sylhet, Moulovi Bazar, Hobigonj | WINROCK International | 1 May 2018 to May 2021 | Sylhet, Moulovi Bazar, Hobigonj | BDT 479,338 | *PSA broadcasting by community radio |
.*Anti trafficking awareness session broadcasted in the community radio. *CTC members participated in training on Human Trafficking, Safe Migration & Child Marriage. *Capacitated Peer leaders through several capacity building trainings. *The vulnerable population enlisted in VGD program, and different support program under SWD (Socail welfare department) & DWA (Department of women affairs). *Victim linkages with government training centers for skill training. People (who were interested to go to abroad) & attended training sessions from BKTTC for capacity development. Peer leader & CTC has prevented child marriages in the working area. |
11 | Joining Forces for Child Protection in Emergencies (JF-CPiE) | Plan International Funded by GFFO | 05 July 2022 to 31 May 2024 | Ratna Palong, Jalia Palog union, Camp 17, 20, 20 (Ext) of Ukhiya, Baharchara union, teknaf Municipality of Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar | BDT 73,498,270.00 | *Community based Child Protection intervention, *Initiate. case management, *Food Security and Livelihood, *Establish safe space and providing life skills training. |
*CFS in host community established, *Consultation meeting conducted with CBCPCs, consultation meeting arranged with of parent’s groups. *Beneficiaries received support through the livelihood activities such as conditional and unconditional cash support and Technical and vocational education and Training (TVET). *Overall, beneficiaries involved and taken initiatives to utilize their training knowledge. *Beneficiaries awarded and they take initiative to disseminate the messages in the community. |
12 | Fighting Slavery and Trafficking-in-Persons | WINROCK International | 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2024 | Anwara, Banchkhali, Fatikchari upazila of Chattrogram, Cox’s Bazar Sadar, Ramu, Ukhiya, Teknaf upazila of Cox’s Bazar, Chandina, Doudkndi, Chowddagram upazila of Cumilla district. | BDT 3,312,715 | *Capacity enhancement and mobilization of community and relevant institutions, *Community engagement, *Awareness raising on TIP and CM |
*CTCs, CMPCs, GBV strengthened for contributing to the effective implementation of NPAs for TIP and CM. *Organized mass awareness campaign, discussion meeting with religious leader. *Organize mass awareness campaign through community radio and other medias. *Training conducted for marriage registers. *Organized event to make aware on TIP, CM and safe migration. *Organized trainin in order to enhance capacity to implement prevention, protection and legal aid activities. |
13 | BGD Strengthening resilience and social cohesion of Rohingya and host community in Cox’sBazar through integrated social services and improved Livelihoods | Save the Children International-BMZ | 01 November 2022 to 31 December 2024 | Ukhiya, Teknaf upazila of Cox’s Bazar. | BDT 55,572,110 | *Community based Child Protection intervention, *Initiate Case management, *Food Security and Livelihood |
*Training conducted for capacity enhance of Government Officials (DSS). *Children and adolescents aged below 18 years, including children with disabilities have been enrolled in the three MPCACs for psychosocial support (PSS) initiatives. *Children received PSS through the structure session following SC’s PSS guidelines. *Vulnerable children including children with disability received home base recreational materials and their families received need-based support. |
14 | Encouraging youth through Theatre Arts | IRI | July 2023 to October 2023 | Chattogram and Cox’s Bazar district | BDT 5605086.00 | O *Organize of Cultural campaign through puppet on GBV. | *Youth and mass people awarded on demerits of GBV and they now encourage the community people to stop GBV |
15 |
Empowering Youth in Inclusion project
IRI | November 2023 to June 2021 | Chattogram and Cox’s Bazar district | BDT 1,059,528.00 | M *Awareness raising program for youth on civic consciousness. *Mobile ICT center for practicing civic rights of young persons. | *Young person’s practices and learned EVM using. *Have known clear concept on civic rights and protection of better environment. |
Ongoing project
Sl no | Title | Donor | Duration | Location | Budget | Major Activities |
01 | BGD Accenture youth employability skills(GG-8) | Save the Children International | 01 June 2023 to November 2025 | Chittagong City Corporation area and Cox’s Bazar | BDT 2,39,59,576.00 | *ICT and life skill training, *Awareness session on STEM, *Inter school science fair, *Establish ICT club in school, *Mobile training centre (MCT) *Partnership with schools |
02 | Y-Moves | Plan International Bangladesh | 01 February 2020 to 30 September 2024 | 1 union in Teknaf upazla | BDT 53,83,050.00 | *Community scorecard *SRHR, SGBV,CP *Training *Girls Take over. *Dialogue session *Training on health education for high school teachers. *Girl’s Child rights day |
03 | BGD Improvement of Employability skills and resilience for youth | Save the Children International | 01 January 2022 to 31 December 2024 | Chittagong city corporation | BDT 1,45,94,865.00 | *ICT and life skill training, *Establish an ICT hub, *Mobile training center (MCT), *Job placement |
04 | Joining Forces for Child Protection in Emergencies (JF-CPiE) | Plan International Bangladesh | 05 July 2022 to 30 June 2024 | Ratna Palong, Jalia Palog union, Camp 17, 20, 20 (Ext) of Ukhiya, Baharchara union, Teknaf Municipality of Teknaf, Cox’s Bazar | BDT 10,19,19,522.00 | *Community-based Child Protection intervention, *Initiate. case management, *Food Security and Livelihood, *Establish a safe space and provide life skills training. |
05 | Fighting Slavery and Trafficking-in-Persons | WINROCK International | 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2024 | Anwara, Banchkhali, Fatikchari upazila of Chattrogram, Cox’s Bazar Sadar, Ramu, Ukhiya, Teknaf upazila of Cox’s Bazar, Chandina, Doudkndi, Chowddagram upazila of Cumilla district. | BDT 37,73,149.00 | *Capacity enhancement and mobilization of community and relevant institutions, *Community engagement, *Awareness raising on TIP and CM |
06 | BGD Strengthening resilience and social cohesion of Rohingya and host community in Cox’sBazar through integrated social services and improved Livelihoods | Save the Children International | 01 November 2022 to 31 December 2024 | Ukhiya, Teknaf upazila of Cox’s Bazar. | BDT 5,97,24,398.00 | *Community-based Child Protection intervention, *Initiate Case management, *Food Security and Livelihood |
07 | Empowering Youth in Inclusion project | IRI (International Republic Institute) | November 2023 to June 2024 | Chattogram and Cox’s Bazar district | BDT 56,05,086.00 | *Awareness raising program for youth on civic consciousness. *Mobile ICT center for practicing civic rights of young persons. |
08 |
Strengthening and expanding community protection mechanisms and resilience to support the well-being of vulnerable children and wider populations affected by the Rohingya crisis |
Save the Children International | January 2023 to December 2024 | Cox’s Bazar Sadar (Ward no 1, 2 & 12), Camp-4 & 18, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar. | BDT 3,89,45,970.00 | * Strengthening household and community mechanisms, creating a more resilient and empowered *Community. uplift the vulnerable populations Through collaborative efforts, |
BITA project information
Sl no | Title | Donor | Duration | Location | Budget | Beneficiaries | Major Activities | Stakeholders | Achievements |
1. | Chittagong Cultural Upliftment Project (CCUP) | Heinrich Boll Foundation, Germany | Direct: Indirect: | *Cultural promotion *Knowledge & Information Management | *Deprived community *NGO | *Community people have recognized the alternative development approach of BITA. *Grass root groups have participated in national and international events. | |||
2. | Bilateral Drama Production on Trafficking (BDPT) | US Embassy, Dhaka | 1997 to 2001 | Direct: Indirect: | *Cultural promotion *Rights & Governance *Collaboration | *Policy maker *Media people *NGO activists | *A regional campaign on anti women trafficking has been established. | ||
3. | Alternative Development Approach for Adolescents (ADAA) | ActionAid Bangladesh | 2000 to 2010 | 13, 14 ward Chittagong City Corporation | Direct: Indirect: | *Rights & Governance *Knowledge & Information Management | *Adolescents *Community leaders | *A group of deprived community’s adolescents have been trained on issue based video making who now act as trainers. | |
4. | Protection of Children from Violence, Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination | UNICEF Bangladesh | December 2001 To March 2004 | 15, 22,23,35 no ward, Chittagong City Corporation | BDT 6,972,255 | Direct: Indirect: | *Rights & Governance *Collaboration | *Children who are living in street & Deprived area *Police *Community leaders | *Spaces have been developed at market places for street children as freedom of expression. *The working children are getting desired wages as a result of continuous advocacy and networking with market committee. |
5. |
Promoting Awareness on Local Government Initiatives
ARD Bangladesh, funded by USAID | June 2003 To August 2005 | BDT 5,965,875 | Direct: Indirect: | *Knowledge & Information Management *Cultural Promotion *Collaboration | *UP members *NGOs *Community people | *Through this project first time, the positive image of local government has been highlighted through cultural initiatives. | |
6. | Culture for Promotion of Rights (CPR) | Royal Norwegian Embassy, Dhaka | January 2003 to February 2007 | Rangunia and Chittagong City Corporation | BDT 5,859,732 | Direct: Indirect: | *Rights & Governance *Cultural promotion | *Rural artist *Local Power Structure *School students | *Culture has been recognized as effective means of promoting human rights. |
7. |
Protection from Violence, Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination
UNICEF | August 2005 To December 2005 | 15, 22, 23 35 ward Chittagong City Corporation | BDT 601,930/ | Direct: Indirect: | * Support Recreational and Cultural Centres * Develop, produce and disseminate BCC materials * Organize discussion meetings with parents, local authorities and community people | *Street children *Parents *Local authorities *Community people | |
8. | Prevention of Cross Border Trafficking | AED/SARI-Equity | 2005 to 2006 | Direct: Indirect: | *Rights & Governance | *Youth group *Community people | *Awareness on trafficking issue has been widely spread within the common people of border areas. | ||
9. | SHOUHARDO | CARE-Bangladesh, funded by USAID | January 2006 to February 2010 | BDT 77,319,314 | Direct: Indirect: | *Rights & Governance | *Children *Hardcore poor women | *Hard core poor women have been addressed in the mainstream development initiatives to ensure food security. | |
10. | Protection of Children on the Street from Violence, Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination (PCSVAED) | UNICEF Bangladesh | October 2006 To September 2008 | Kotwali, Bouble Mooring, Punchlaish, Bandar thana of Chittagong city. | BDT 10,703,358 | Direct: Indirect: | *Protect the rights of street children | *Children living in Chittagong City Corporation area *Parents & caregivers *Bazaar committee *Law enforcing agencies | *Improved living condition and access to services for street children *Sensitized stakeholder to pay attention to meet rights & needs of children |
11 |
Engender Women’s Social Recognition through Legal Empowerment
GTZ | November 2007 to July 2008 | Rangunia, Chittagong | BDT 968,500 | Direct: Indirect: | *Rights & Governance | *UP Chairman, members *Marginalized women *Community people | * Legal rights information has been disseminated and legal structure of union parishad has strengthened so that women get access and proper justice against oppression. |
12 |
Prevention & Protection of Victims of Human trafficking in Bangladesh
International Organization for Migration (IOM) | August 2007 to January 2010 | BDT 7,806,250 | Direct: Indirect: | *Rights & Governance | *GO, NGOs *Community people *School and college teachers & students *Bazaar committees | * Preventive and protective mechanisms to reduce human trafficking is being initiated at the targeted areas. | |
13 | Protection and Prevention of Victims of Human Trafficking in Bangladesh (PPVHTB) | International Organization for Migration (IOM) | August 2007 to January 2010 | Chittagong & Cox’s Bazar | BDT 7,806,250 | Direct: Indirect: |
* Conduct Focus Group Discussion * Organize Bazar Meeting * Conduct community based cultural events * Organize awareness raising workshop with district level government officials * Training of school teachers on trafficking issue * Provide IGA training to vulnerable women group and provide input support |
*Children *Adolescent girl *Women | |
14 |
Facilitate Women’s Equality to Reduce Violence Against Women (FWERVAW)
OXFAM | November 2007 To June 2011 | Patiya, Lohagara, Chandanaish upazila, City Corporation in Chittagong,Laxmipur and Cox’s Bazar District | BDT 1,134.4500 | Direct: Indirect: | *Rights & Governance | *Community people *NGOs *Education institutions | * Community level Change Makers are effectively disseminating domestic violence issues to other stakeholders to protect safety net for women. |
15 | Child Rights Awareness Raining in Chittagong (CRARC) | Save the Children Sweden-Denmark | January 2008 to December 2010 | BDT 7,350,928 | Direct: Indirect: | *Rights & Governance | *Deprived children *School students *Teacher | *An alternative rights based education process has been established through children space. *Rights based issues have been disseminated through cultural initiatives. | |
16 |
People’s awareness on prevention of human trafficking through community based cultural intervention
International Organization for Migration (IOM) | 2008-2010 | Direct: Indirect: | *Rights & Governance *Cultural Promotion | *Community people *NGOs *Cultural Institutions *Local government | *Country wide NGO network has established to prevent human trafficking through creating awareness among mass population. | ||
17 |
Culture for Empowerment of People (CEP)
The Royal Danish Embassy | March 2008 To August 2011 | BDT 46,003,102 | Direct: Indirect: | *Cultural Promotion *Knowledge & Information Management *Collaboration | *Community people *NGOs *Cultural Institutions | * Cultural resources of greater Noakhali have been identified and recognition to promote cultural heritage has been understood by the people. | |
18 |
Alternative Media Project
(AMP) |
ICIMOD | Direct: Indirect: | *Cultural promotion *Knowledge & Information Management | *Ethnic people | *Promotion of best practice of natural resources has been possible through cultural approach. | |||
19 | Promotion of Human Rights Advocacy through Human Rights Education and Contentiousness (PHRAHREC) | AED | Direct: Indirect: | *Rights & Governance *Knowledge & Information Management *Cultural promotion | *Rural Women *Local government *School students *Professionals | *Group of grassroots women has been organized and involve with human rights education. *School students have been directly participated in human rights education. | |||
20 |
Empowering Women through Cultural Approach
(EWCA) |
Royal Danish Embassy | Direct: Indirect: | *Rights & Governance | *Labor Contracting Society of Danida’s road construction project | *Rights education through cultural approach | |||
21 | Adolescents Reproductive Health | BCCP | Direct: Indirect: | *Knowledge & Information Management | *Formal Education Institution’s participants | *HIV Aids and reproductive health education through life skill | |||
22 | Actions for Combating Trafficking-in -Persons(ACT) Program | Winrock International, Funded by USAID | November 2009 to October 2010 | Direct: Indirect: | *Rights & Governance | *Community people *Youth group | *Anti trafficking safety net has been created in the targeted areas. | ||
23 | Strengthening capacity and mobilization of Civil Society Organizations and citizen groups for social audit on government program | PROGATI, USAID | September 2010 To July 2012 |
Rupsha & Batiaghata upazilas of Khulna, Assasuni & Shyamnagar Upazila of Satkhira, Meherpur sadar & Gangni upazilas of Meherpur. Jhenaidah sadar & Harinakundu upazilas of Jhenaidah, Bagerhat sadar & Chitolmari upazilas of Bagerhat district. |
BDT 9,606,053 | Direct: Indirect: | *Rights & Governance | *Community people *Civil Society *Government | *A new approach of governance monitoring has been explored on public service delivery through this project |
24 | Strengthening NSAs to claim rights and services for extreme marginalized and society excluded communities of Bangladesh | OXFAM GB | September 2010 To August 2013 | Noakhali sadar, Kabirhat, Begumgonj in Nokhali and Sadar, Raypur, Ramgoti in Laxmipur district | BDT 25,294,829 | Direct: Indirect: | *Right & Governance | *Non State Actors *Community people *Civil Society | *Capacity building of NSA, civil society and local communities on public services, good governance will be ensuring through the project. |
25 | Improved Educational Services for Children of Ethnic Groups in Chittagong Hill Tract (IESCEGCHT) | Save the Children in Bangladesh & IKEA Foundation | May 2010 To April 2013 | Bandarban sadar, Roangchari, Thanchi in Bandarban And Ramu upazila I Cox’s Bazar district | BDT 1,85,09,940 | Direct: Indirect: | *Rights & Governance *Information & Knowledge Management | *Children *Youth *Community people *Traditional leaders *Market actors *Local government & GO agencies | *Improved access to decent employment opportunities of ethnic children and youth *Enhanced quality learning opportunities *Improved market access for ethnic adolescents and youth |
26 | Joint Initiative of BITA and RFLDC on Promotion of Human Right through CBOs by Cultural Interventions (RFLDC) | Agriculture Extension Component, GO & DANIDA | November 2010 To July 2012 | 14 upazila in Noakhali and Laxmipur district including Hatiya | BDT 2,282,594 | Direct: Indirect: | *Cultural promotion *Rights & Governance | *CBOs *Grassroots artists *Community people *Local Government institutions | *Improved capacity and involvement of CBOs in protecting and promoting human rights in the community *Enhanced ability to utilize cultural means through CBOs’ efforts |
27 | Empowering Women and Adolescents for Social Change (LRP 41) | ActionAid Bangladesh | July 2011 To June 2013 | 29 no ward, Chittagong city corporation | BDT 72,00,000 | Direct: Indirect: | *Women rights and gender equality *Youth Empowerment *Sponsorship | *Community Youth and Women *Service providers agencies *Local government institutions | *Capacity building of youth on rights and justice issues. *Women’s action reflection groups are strengthened. *Children’s access to education increased. |
28 | Accelerate Livelihood of Left-behind Older Workforce (ALLOW) | Funded by SHIREE and supported by Help Age International | October 2011 To September 2014 | 4 union of Ramgoti upazila, Laxmipur | BDT 12,368,898. | Direct: Indirect: | *Empowerment of older population | *500 extreme poor older people and their families *Govt social safety net programs | *Livelihood support increased the economic condition of extreme poor older people. *Social safety net support extended to the older people |
29 | Employment Opportunities for Children in Hill and Rural Areas to be Active Citizen (EOCHRAAC) | Save the Children in Bangladesh | January 2011 To December 2013 | Chittagong | BDT 7,566,342.00 | Direct: Indirect: | *Rights & Governance *Information & Knowledge Management | *Children *Youth *Community people *Traditional leaders *Market actors *Local government & GO agencies | *Improved ability to avail decent employment opportunities of rural and hilly children and youth *Enhanced quality learning opportunities *Improved opportunities to play role as active citizen |
30 | Strengthening Democratic Local Governance- SDLG (Promote Local Governance for Strengthening Public Accountability) | Tetra Tech ARD/ USAID | January 2012 To January 2014 | 44 union of Laxmipur and Chandpur district | BDT 38,989,856 | Direct: Indirect: | *Good Governance | *Local Government units *Citizen *Civil Society members *Local administration | *Capacity building of local government on participatory planning, budgeting, revenue generation *Citizen in governance monitoring |
31 | Protecting Human Rights Project | Plan Bangladesh/ USAID | May 2012 To December 2015 | Patiya, Chittagong | BDT 71,94,287 | Direct: Indirect: | *Human rights | *Union Parishad *Relevant Govt. Officials *Community people | *Evidence based data base *Advocacy meeting *Victim care and support |
32 | Exposition of Folklore Instrument and Musical History to the Youth | Funded by Royal Norwegian Embassy, supported by Concert Norway | July 2012 To January 2014 | Chittagong | BDT 2,356,905 | Direct: Indirect: | *Research on the history of traditional musical history of Bangladesh *Display of instrument before young people and help them learn playing. | *School student *Community youth *Traditional Musicians | *An opportunity has been created for the young generation to know about the musical history of Bangladesh and find out the interesting instruments to learn. |
33 | Supporting restoration and preservation of culture and heritage in Ramu, Cox’s Bazar | German Embassy Dhaka | February 2013 To December 2013 | Ramu, Cox’s Bazar | BDT 49,924,00. | Direct: Indirect: | *Preservation of cultural heritage in Ramu *Develop cultural resource centre | *Community people *Cultural workers | *Community people share their history and cultural heritage to the young generation |
34 | Livelihood Improvement Facilities for Ethnics (LIFE) | Funded by CODEC, supported by The Royal Danish Embassy | July 2013 To June 2015 | Mirarsharai, Fatikchari upazila, Chittagong | BDT1,236,250 | Direct: Indirect: | *Ensure Human Rights of the Ethnic Communities. | *Ethnic communities of Mirarsharai and Fatikcchari. | *Enhanced decision making capacity of the hill community through participatory learning approach. |
35 | Child Led Initiatives for Ethnic Children (CLIEC) | Save the Children Sweden-Denmark | January 2014 To December 2014 | BDT 31,00,000 | Direct: Indirect: | *Rights & Governance *Cultural Promotion | *Adolescent *Parents *Local NGOs | *Life skill and reproductive health related information are now accessible to the ethnic adolescents. | |
36 | Empowering Women and Adolescents for Social Change (LRP 41) | ActionAid Bangladesh | July 2014 To June 2016 | 29 no ward, Chittagong city corporation | BDT 11,163,239 | Direct: Indirect: | *Women rights and gender equality *Youth Empowerment *Sponsorship | *Community Youth and Women *Service providers agencies *Local government institutions | *Capacity building of youth on rights and justice issues. *Women’s action reflection groups are strengthened. *Children’s access to education increased. |
37 | Child Protection | Save the Children Bangladesh | Jan-2014 to December 2014 | Bandarban Sadar | BDT 31,00,000 | Direct: Indirect: |
* Capacity developmentof CBCPC. *Develop targeted IEC materials on SGBV and child marriage. * Capacitating girl children to play an empowered role for civic engagement to prevent Child Marriage and SGBV issues. *Creating access for children and their families in government social safety net programs. * Developing community based reporting mechanisms |
*Children *Women *CBCPC *Caregivers *Communities *CBOs | |
38 | Counter Trafficking Programme in Bangladesh (CTPB) | The Dewalka Foundation | Direct: Indirect: | *Prevent human trafficking and promote child rights | *Community people *Children *School teacher | *Empowered the community to combat trafficking with information, techniques and mechanisms | |||
39 | Collective Advocacy to Criminalize Domestic Violence Project | South Asian Partnership | Direct: Indirect: | *Rights & Governance | *Civil society people *NGOs *Media people | *Build public opinion and influenced policy makers to draft law regarding domestic violence | |||
40 | Access to Justice & Good Governance | Madaripur Legal Aid Association | Direct: Indirect: | *Rights & Governance *Information & Knowledge Management | *Rural women *Community people *Local government actors | *Improved access for rural people especially women to get justice *Strengthened local justice delivery mechanisms | |||
41 | Participatory Community Development through Cultural Initiatives (PCDCI) | Save the Children in Bangladesh | Direct: Indirect: | *Rights & Governance *Cultural promotion | *Children *Community people *Traditional leaders *Local government actors & GO | *Developed safety-net to protect children from violence in CHT *Improved knowledge and ability of community and institutions in protection of child rights | |||
42 | Education for Youth Empowerment (EYE)-DANIDA frame | Save the Children in Bangladesh | January 2014 To December 2015 | Sadar, Roangchari in Bandarban district | BDT 1,85,09,940 | Direct: Indirect: | *Information & Knowledge Management *Rights & Governance | *Children *Youth *Community people *Traditional leaders *Market actors *Local government & GO agencies | *Improving access to decent employment opportunities of ethnic children and youth *Opportunity created to enhance quality learning opportunities *Improving market access for ethnic adolescents and youth |
43 | Prevent and respond towards Violence against Children through a system approach (PRTVACSA) | Save the Children in Bangladesh | January 2014 To December 2014 | BDT 31,00,000 | Direct: Indirect: | *Rights & Governance *Cultural promotion | *Children *Community people *Traditional leaders *Local government actors & GO | *Strengthening safety-net to protect children from violence in CHT *Improvements on knowledge and ability of community and institutions in protection of child rights | |
44 | Social Engagement for Budgetary Accountability (SEBA) | Manusher Jonno Foundation | December 2014 To March 2017 | 9 Unions under Patiya upazila of Chittagong district | BDT 8,292,272 | Direct: Indirect: | * promote accountable and responsive local governance * strengthening local government * capacity building and awareness of the people | *Local Gov’t | |
45 | Inclusion of Older people in Disaster Resilience in South Asia | Help Age International | December 2014 To May 2017 | Char Algi and Borokhari unions of Ramgoti upazila in Lakshmipur district | BDT 4,703,139 | Direct: Indirect: | *Training for CBO’s, UDMC and LDMC *Distribution of seed grants for CBO/OPAs for DRR. | *CBO *UDMC *Community older people’s *Local Govt | *Increased community capacity to assess and mitigate disaster risk faced by older people; *Improving the ability of actors to deliver inclusive humanitarian assistance; *Established a regional emergency Fund (REF) |
46 | Social Engagement for Budgetary Accountability | Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF) | December 2014 To March 2017 | BDT 8,292,272 | Direct: Indirect: | *Conduct Training/ Orientation LGU *Conduct Social Audit *Public Hearing *Regional level round table meeting | *Community Influential *LGU *Local administration *Civil society actor & media | *Increased budgetary transparency of Union parished ensured by free flow of information. *Crated more accountability of UP representatives to the people for planning, budgeting and participation of marginalized groups. | |
47 | Inclusive of Older people in Disaster Resilience in South Asia | Help Age International | December 2014 to May 2017 | BDT 4,703,139/- | Direct: Indirect: | *Training for CBO’s, UDMC and LDMC *Distribution of seed grants for CBO/OPAs for DRR. | *CBO *UDMC *Community older people’s *Local Govt | ||
48 | Mass Awareness raising on child marriage Prevention of violence against children | Ministry of Women and Children Affairs (MOWCA) Bangladesh | January 2015 To March 2015 | Bandarban, Rangamati & Khagrachori, Feni, Nowakhai, Chadpur & Luxmipur | BDT 20,16550 | Direct: Indirect: | *Mass awareness on conducting meeting | *School Children *Community Influential *Local Govt. Representatives *Local Administration | *Community initiative is to taking effective steps to stop all kinds of Child violence of child marriage, physical & humanizing punishment, hazardous child labor & trafficking in this region. |
49 | Safe migration for Bangladeshi Workers Innovation Fund | BRAC | August 2015 To December 2016 | Patiya Chittagong | BDT 27,26,590/- | Direct: Indirect: | *Conduct Women Circle *Cultural Campaign through Street Theatre *Provide IGA Training *Meeting with Upazilla level Govt. officials & LER and leaders. |
*Left behind family *women *Govt & elected representatives
*Improved knowledge on safe migration, *Enhancing capacity and networking for the sustained improvement for the migrant people and their families. |
50 | UNHCR Youth Initiative Fund 2015 | UNHCR | May 2016 To November 2016 | Kutupalong and Nayapara registered Refugee Camp in Cox’s Bazar District | BDT 7,31,100 | Direct: Indirect: | *Capacity assessment mapping on creative communication *Capacity development training on Easy theatre making § Develop Campaign theatre production § Theatre Performance | *Refugee Youth | *Develop creative communication based theatrical skills on theatre performance & be an actor. *Facilitating skills to conduct cultural campaign in community on community issues. |
51 | Creating Awareness on Census for Undocumented Myanmar Nationals in Bangladesh | International Orgaanization for Migration (IOM) | May 2016 To June 2016 | Chittagong, Cox’s Bazar, Bandarban, Rangamati & Khagrachori (35 Union under 19 of Upazilla | BDT 45,52,000 | Direct: Indirect: | *Creating Awareness through cultural intervention of Theatre, Puppet & Kobigaan | *Undocumented Myanmar Nationals | *Created Awareness on Census for Undocumented Myanmar Nationals in Bangladesh |
52 | Mass Awareness raising Program on Prevention of Gender based Voilence in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) | UNDP | May 2016 To September 2016 | RangamatiBandarbanKhagrachhari district | BDT 14,99,913/- | Direct: Indirect: | *Upazilla level cultural program on Gender based Violence Prevention *District level Information Sharing workshop *Capacity development training for youth & women *Film Festival | *Ethnic people |
*Changed in attitude and belief in women and men that perpetuate social acceptance of GBV and disseminate information about the govt. and non govt. *Ensured legal aid and other necessary services at the district, Upazilla and community level by using approaches for mass attitudinal change to end VAW. |
53 |
Building preparedness of vulnerable communities through inclusive disaster risk reduction initiatives
Help Age International | July 2017 to July 2020 | BDT 50,67,012.00 | Direct: 3780 Indirect: | *Training for CBO’s, UDMC and LDMC *Distribution of seed grants for CBO/OPAs for DRR. | *CBO *UDMC *Community older people’s *Local Govt | ||
54 |
Countering and Prevention of Violent Extremism
Democracy International | May 2017 to Feb 2018 | BDT 2,397,364.00 | Direct: Indirect: | *Puppet show *Community meeting *School Programe | Youth | ||
55 |
ROSC (Reaching out of School Children) NFPE
Government of Bangladesh | April 2017 to December 2021 | Chittagong City Corporation area | BDT 146,900,000 | Direct: 6687 Indirect: | *Non-Formal Primary Education through Accelerated Learning Approach | *Underprivileged slum children *Parents and caregivers *Community leaders *Local government actors *Government officials |
*Dropped out and never enrolled slum children have included into primary education *Community sensitized on supporting education to children *Underprivileged children availed opportunities to express opinions and creativity |
56 |
ROSC (Reaching out of School Children) Providing Livelihood Training,
(Ukhiya, Teknaf) |
Government of Bangladesh | April 2017 to December 2021 | Ukhiya, Teknaf in Cox’s Bazar and Naikhong chari in Bandarban district | BDT 27,300,000 | Direct: 500 Indirect: | *Skill development and generate of decent employment for vulnerable youth | *Underprivileged children *Parents and caregivers *Community leaders *Local government actors *Government officials | *Dropped out and primary completed youth underprivileged have included into PVT *Community sensitized on supporting PVT to youth *Underprivileged youth availed decent employment opportunities |
57 |
BRAC | May 2017 to Feb 2018 | BDT 27,26,590 | Direct: Indirect: | *TfD show *Courtate meeting *IGA training | *Women *UP body *Community people | ||
58 | Bangladesh Counter Trafficking-In-Persons Program (BC/TIP | WINROCK International | August 2017 to September 2018 | BDT 3,294,825.00 | Direct: Indirect: | *Countering Trafficking and promoting safe migration | * Rural children and youth * Community people * Local government actors * CSOs | *Community sensitized on unsafe migration *School children informed about countering trafficking and safe migration | |
59 |
Empowering women and adolescent for social change
Action Aid | January 2017 to December 2021 | 2 ward in Chittagong City Corporation | BDT 12,962,066 | Direct: 1583 Indirect: | *Capacity Development, *Social Entrepreneurship of Young Man and Woman, *Advocacy with Gov’t, Private Sector Agencies on Economic Opportunities, *Gender responsive Public bservice | *Women and Adolescent group | * Employer and employee of informal sector awarded about decent work. *Young people received skill training and engaged in job. *Youth entrepreneur created. * Women engaged in decision making forum. |
60 |
Engagement of Preventing and Responding to Violent Extremism through Cultural Action of Puppet in CCC |
Democracy International | Direct: Indirect: | *Youth-led awareness campaign for peace building through puppet presentation | *Community youth *Community leaders *Local government actors *Educational institution *Law enforcement agency *Media people *Social organizations |
*Hundred of youth participation into the puppet clubs *About 24 socio-cultural local organizations involvement into the process from inception of the process in community level. *Demands placed to organize show by different organizations. 6 (six) shows performed inviting from local govt. administration, cultural platforms, educational institutes, etc. *Bangladesh Television Chittagong Center recorded the puppet show for telecast the show under Bangladesh Television (Govt) *Organizational capacity increased on PVE. *About 9,500 direct audience watched the puppet show and well informed about the issue of violent extremism. |
61 |
Bangladesh Counter Trafficking in Person (Banchkhali, Anwara, Patya, Cox’s Bazar)
WINROCK International | September 2018 to August 2020 | Banchkhali, Anwara, Patya, Cox’s Bazar | BDT 10,776,460 | Direct: 45753 Indirect: | *Meeting & Training with Union, Upazila and District CTC member *Mobilization meeting at community level *TiE show at secondary school level *TFD show *PSA Broadcasting by community Radio | *Union, Upazila and District CTC member *Community People *Student *Trafficking Victims *Potential Migrants *And Drop-in-Center | |
62 |
Bangladesh Counter Trafficking in Person (Ukhiya & Teknaf upazila in Cox’s Bazar)
WINROCK International | October 2018 to August 2020 | Ukhiya & Teknaf upazila in Cox’s Bazar | BDT 14,242,546.00 | Direct: 1093293 Indirect: | *Meeting & Training with Union, Upazila and District CTC member *Mobilization meeting at community level *TiE show at secondary school level *TfD show *PSA Broadcasting by community Radio | *Union, Upazila and District CTC member *Community People *Student *Trafficking Victims *Potential Migrants *Drop-in-Center | |
63 | Promoting psychosocial well-being through cultural initiatives for protecting Rohingya adolescents from abuse, exploitation and GBV | UNICEF | Rohingya camp, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar | Direct: Indirect: | *Child protection through cultural promotion | *Rohingya adolescents *Mazhis, parents, caregivers, religious leaders *Camp officials, CSOs, UN agencies |
*Rohingya adolescents got joyful environment and knowledge on child protection issues. *Explored Rohingya adolescents‟ meaningful participation in social drama *Community sensitization created on child protection issues focusing abuse, exploitation and GBV |
64 | Promoting Social Engagement through Cultural Initiatives for Protective Environment ( Ukhya Teknaf) | UNICEF | June2018 to June2019 | Ukhya Teknaf | BDT 31,290,334.00 | Direct: Indirect: | *TFD show *Theatre show *Mandrill *Mentor training *Meeting with community *Temporary Shade Development | *Adolescent & Youth group *Religious Leader *Majhi( Rohinga Leader) | |
65 |
Community Information and Accountability Services project
UNICEF | November 2018 to December 2022 | Rohingya camp, Ukhiya and Teknaf, Cox’s bazar | BDT 208,067,495/- | Direct: 450000 Indirect: | *Facilitating IPC sessions & Collect Community feedback in the community including rumor tracking and community engagement | *Rohingya individuals | |
66 | People’s Jubilant engagement for Tobacco Free Chittagong City | Campaign for Tobacco Free-Kids Grants-USA | August 2018 to January 2020 | Chittagong City Corporation area | BDT 11,888,770 | Direct: 4500000 Indirect: | *Theatre show *Puppet show *Concert show *Mass campaigning | *Youth *Policy Maker *Mass People | |
67 | Shantite Bijoy | Democracy International | November 2018 to March 2019 | BDT 7,400,000 | Direct: Indirect: | *Awareness raising | *Mass People | *Youth platform formed *Mass people awarded on peace | |
68 | Theatre in Education on PVE | MSI-USAID | June 2018 to January 2019 | BDT 630,100 | Direct: 1002565 Indirect: | *Classroom based TIE presentation with PVE messaging, *Sharpen knowledge and understanding on peace and harmony, *Idea for newer initiatives generate. | *Formal High school student, *parents, *School management and other stakeholder. | ||
69 | Establish Social Hubs for Rohingya and Host Community Adolescents and Youth | UNICEF | June 2018 to July 2020 | Rohingya Camp, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar | BDT 61,369,084.00 | Direct: 12000 Indirect: | *Capacity building of adolescents on peace building, *Computer literacy, *Advocacy meeting, *Parents meeting, *TFD *Theatre show *Mock-drill *Mentor training *Meeting *Temporary Shade Development | *Adolescent & Youth group, *Community people, *Religious Leaders, *Majhi ( Rohingya Leader) | |
70 | Operation of Social Hubs for Rohingya and Host Community Adolescents and Youth | UNICEF | August 2020 to May 2022 | Rohingya camp, Ukhiya, Cox’s Bazar | BDT 74031106 | Direct: 22300 Indirect: |
*Social hubs establish *Capacity building of adolescents on peace building and social cohesion, *Computer literacy, *U-Reporting, *ASRH, *Advocacy meeting, *Parents meeting, *Theatre for peace building *Story telling |
*Adolescent & Youth group, *Community people, *Religious Leaders, *Majhi ( Rohingya Leader) | |
71 |
BGD strengthening and expanding household and community mechanisms to support the wellbeing and resilience of vulnerable populations affected by Rohingya Crisis and COVID-19, Phase-I |
Save the Children | 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2020 | Rohingya camp and host community in Cox’s Bazar district | BDT 99,50,539/- | Direct: 4400 Indirect: | *Establish CBCPC committee. *Meeting with CBCPC and Adolescents group. *Establish child club. *Training with parents and child club. *Ensure food security and livelihood | *Children and their family | |
72 | BGD Accenture youth employability skills | Save the Children International | 01 September 2020 to 31 August 2021 | Chittagong City Corporation area | BDT 36,40,800 | Direct: 6998 Indirect: | *ICT and life skill training, *Awareness session on STEM, *Inter school science fair, *Establish ICT club in school, *Mobile training centre (MCT) *Partnership with schools | *Youth and adolescents, *Teachers *School management | |
73 | BGD Accenture youth employability skills | Save the Children International | 01 September 2021 to 31 August 2022 | Chittagong City Corporation area | BDT 3,872,754 | Direct: 6998 Indirect: | *ICT and life skill training, *Awareness session on STEM, *Inter school science fair, *Establish ICT club in school, *Mobile training centre (MCT) *Partnership with schools | *Youth and adolescents, *Teachers *School management | |
74 | BGD Accenture youth employability skills | Save the Children International | 01 September 2022 to 31 August 23, | Chittagong City Corporation area | BDT 8,583,385/- | Direct: 6998 Indirect: | *ICT and life skill training, *Awareness session on STEM, *Inter school science fair, *Establish ICT club in school, *Mobile training centre (MCT) *Partnership with schools | *Youth and adolescents, *Teachers *School management | |
75 | Y-Moves | Sweden International Development cooperation Agency(SIDA)Technical support by Plan International Bangladesh | 01 February 2020 to 30 June 2024 | 1 union in Teknaf upazla | BDT 4,636,902/- | Direct: 45 Indirect: 694 | *Community score card *SRHR, SGBV,CP *Training *Girls Take over. *Dialogue session *Training on health education for high school teacher. *Girls Child rights day | *Children and Adolescents, *Local government. *Civil society, *Govt. official. *Community people | |
76 | Strengthening and expanding household and community mechanisms to support the wellbeing and resilience of vulnerable populations affected by Rohingya Crisis and COVID-19, Phase-I | Save the Children | 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2022 | Rohingya camp and host community in Cox’s Bazar district | BDT 49,315,000/- | Direct: 9925 Indirect: | *Community based Child Protection intervention, *Initiate Case management, *Food Security and Livelihood | *Children, *Parents, *Community people, *Local Govt., *Different department of Bangladesh Govt. | |
77 | BGD Accenture youth employability skills | Save the Children International | 01 September 2021 to 31 August 2022 | Chittagong City Corporation | BDT 8,583,385/- | Direct: 5792 Indirect: | *ICT and life skill training, *Awareness session on STEM, *Inter school science fair, *Establish ICT club in school, *Mobile training centre (MCT) | *Youth and adolescents, *Teachers *School management | |
78 | Employability and resilience skills for youth | Save the Children International | 01 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 | 2 ward, Chittagong city corporation | BDT 8,410,800/- | Direct: Indirect: | *ICT and life skill training, *Establish ICT hub, *Mobile training centre (MCT), *Job placement | *Youth, *Parents, *Community People | |
79 | Bangladesh Counter Trafficking-In-Persons Program (BC/TIP)-Sylhet, Moulovi Bazar, Hobigonj | WINROCK International | Sylhet, Moulovi Bazar, Hobigonj | BDT 479,338 | Direct: 174200 Indirect: | *PSA broadcasting by community radio | *Union, upazila and district CTC members *Community people *Student Trafficked victims *Potential migrants | ||
80 | Joining Forces for Child Protection in Emergencies (JF-CPiE) | Plan International Funded by GFFO | 05 July 2022 to 31 May 2024 | BDT 73,498,270 | Community based Child Protection intervention, Initiate Case management, Food Security and Livelihood, safe space, life skills | Children, Parents, Caregivers Community people, Local Govt., Different department of Bangladesh Govt. | |||
81 | Fighting Slavery and Trafficking-in-Persons | WINROCK International | 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2024 | BDT 3,312,715 | Capacity enhancement and mobilization of community and relevant institutions, Community engagement, Awareness raising on TIP and CM | Union, Upazila and District CTC members, Demo Officials Peer Leaders Community People Students Trafficking Victims Potential Migrants | |||
82 | BGD Strengthening resilience and social cohesion of Rohingya and host community in Cox’sBazar through integrated social services and improved Livelihoods | Save the Children International-BMZ | 01 November 2022 to 31 December 2024 | BDT 55,572,110 | Community based Child Protection intervention, Initiate Case management, Food Security and Livelihood | Children, Parents, Community people, Local Govt., Different department of Bangladesh Govt. |